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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well, I've been exposed to another facet of the advertising world: parties.

The entire agency I'm working (baring the backup receptionist) went drink from 1pm till... well, I left at 9pm, but that was only about half the booze finished.

To make a long story short, the last time I was this drunk I sent a very embaressing email to someone. Oh the horror of the next morning hangover.

Note to self, posting a blog entry while fucked is not the smartest idea. You're unlikely to come off well, and arelikely to embaress yourself (again, sorry to previous emailee).

Bleh, I think I've spelt embaress wrong now three times. But there you go.

Comment: So far from home... (by LothrielPixie? on 2004-11-03 14:06:04)

Ahh, the joys of the South African media industry. Gods do I miss it! Although I'd imagine that it applys to most of the media industry across the world.

I miss my company sponsored Friday drinks - although admittedly, most Fridays we only started them at 4 or 5pm...

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Page last modified on October 29, 2004, at 07:52 PM