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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Here's a particularly scary piece of the American dream (tm):

I'm not entirely certain what to say about it. So I won't.

Otherwise: I should have World of Warcraft by the weekend, which will be amusing. Though no doubt it shall do as much damage to my tan as DSL did. (Though to be fair, there's not much tan there to start with).

On Saturday I shaved off my beard. It's something I do about once every three months - I start wondering what I look like without it and then just leap in. Unfortunately, I never learn, because the answer is always the same:

"Oh, that's why I grew the beard."

Work has been interesting. Mixing really, really obscenely relaxing days with weeks of non-stop slave labour. Ah well, at least I get to play lots of foosball (which I am still not very good at).

On the roleplaying front, Nenad is slowly organising a game up here, so light at the end of the tunnel and all that. Though slowly could quite quickly become very slowly. That's what you get when you have too many lazy people trying to set something up.


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Page last modified on April 20, 2005, at 02:10 PM