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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. As the subject says: today (yesterday technically) was the best ever. Well, at least in the modern era, which is measured from my last best day ever.

It started nicely, hell, even the weather was nice: It wasn't too cold, it wasn't too dry. At work, there was no early morning panic (a depressing regularity), and then no work until ten. So I was able to gently ease myself into the day. Have coffee, surf the web. Play bad music.

Then, at 11, the whole creative department (or at least, my part of it) decamped to go to a shooting range. Hijinks ensued. Well, not really: but lots of shooting of small, bigger, dirty harry and shotguns occured. It was the first time I've been shooting, barring a couple of bullets from a luger when I was eleven, and I enjoyed it (duh! See post title).

While I quite like the little guns, the big .357 and .44 phallic symbols are a bit much. That said, I love the shotguns. Both were underslung pump-action things (one that icongraphic folding stock remington). Really, pumping (really) round after round into the same gigantic hole in the target is too much fun, though my shoulder will complain tomorrow.

Finally, and briefly: At 9pm the soccer team I support (Liverpool FC) kicked off in the European Cup final against AC Milan. At 10pm they were dead and buried at 3 - 0 down. At 11pm regular time ended, the score 3 - 3. At the end of extra time the score at hadn't change. At the end of penalties, Liverpool predictably (again, see post subject) were champions.

And if don't think that's brief, you should see what I want to write. (It most goes "Fuck yeah, Fuuuuuuuuuccccck!" et cetera et cetera).

So for once there will be no Ebeneezer line at the end of my post.



Comment: just remember (by BlueHands on 2005-05-26 06:42:18)


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Page last modified on May 25, 2005, at 09:50 PM