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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Hmmm...where to begin.

Over here seems nice. I've been sans car for the last couple of days. It's being assessed and now (hopefully) beaten by men with panels. Joy! All this came about because I had a lovely, though sudden, meeting with a drunk cyclist on William Nicol.

Gladly, he was alright, though upset that the bottle he had been drinking from was broken in the crash. Joy. Driving with a massive hole in your windscreen is an experience that needs you really need do to believe - though the cooling breeze is nice.

Not surprisingly, considering the title, I will now talk about badgers. There is an absolutely horrifying (not really) flash clip with a badger song here. It loops a few times before doing something suprisingly cool.

Or not.

Also - Yay for being absolutely junior. I'm not going to Loeries, which this year are in Margate. Bah.

Also again, World of Warcraft is fairly addictive.

Comment: your luck (by ToothpasteDealer? on 2005-07-28 15:53:03)

have you seen the lord of the rings badgers? it's great.

also... you have shit luck with driving. it's never your fault but bad stuff happens :/

good luck in the future!

Comment: Re: your luck (by AndieMoore? on 2005-07-28 16:41:55)

I can't say it's my fault. Insurance, don't you know.

Let's just say it wasn't his fault (even if he was drunk).

Comment: What! (by LothrielPixie? on 2005-07-29 11:52:44)

You haven't seen the badgers 'song'! OMG!

Tell me you've seen "We like the Moon?" And "Come to Kenya"? Damn, these are vital piece of net-geek culture you're missing! Although this does come from someone who's never watched an 'episode' of StrongBad?...

And Margate isn't that bad - or at least that what I'm lead to believe, could be all lies, damn lies.

Comment: Football badgers (by FirstFallen? on 2005-07-29 13:21:18)

dude! where have you been, under a rock? make sure you check out the Euro cup badgers, it's really cute, all the badgers in UK footie shirts with a goal counter. if you like that sort of thing, that is :P.

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Page last modified on July 28, 2005, at 10:40 AM