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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. This wiki is strange to me, yet still familiar; it is almost as if it is wearing a mask, a tiki mask.

Bad jokes aside, more than a month has passed sinced last I posted, so there's a little more information than usual to plonk down here. Firstly, I had a birthday: can you say xbox? Second, I got an internship at Lowe Bull. So, er, bully for me.

I spent most of the last month destroying myself to get the aforementioned internship, and now that it's been secured, the rest of the semester seems rather... dull. Oh well, it'll all be over soon.

Last weekend I won the inaugural Shaka Shield Blood Bowl Tournament - trophies and stuff. Yes.

Otherwise, I've been playing Simgold, Chronicles of Riddick, Dead or Alive 3 and Top Spin; and live is good.


Entry moved to new "blog" home. Sad but true.

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Page last modified on October 10, 2004, at 09:17 AM