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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Six days until the most inclusive decide the fate of the world for the next for years. It's depressing, isn't it?

The truth is if dubya is elected again, I can't see the world maintain much semblence to the status quo, which could be good - or more likely, bad.

The certainty is that he'll drive the rest of the world even further away from el ubercountry, creating more groundswell anti-americanism amongst both third and first world countries. The results of the this growing split is less certain.

Maybe something 'good' will happen, and we'll see concrete moves towards a european superstate. Now a economic counterbalance to the US seems a good thing on paper, but the fact that this state would almost certainly be sans Great Britian, could lead to the split becoming Anglo versus the world. Guess which side that would leave us on? Not that we're on their side, but we're talking about fundamentalists who blow up australian tourists.

Which brings us to the 51st state, Iraq: downhill, uphill, whatever? It's not going to end nicely, or soon. The fact that the government in Iran is support Bush (they're part of the axis of evil, if you remember) should be hint as how the extreme Muslim right see the likely result.

I'm not certain the charisma gulf that is Kerry would do much better, but at least he's not trying to take over the world. (Seriously: the neo-conservatives, who are bushes entire cabinet except Colin Powell, wrote a paper after the collapse of the USSR stating that it was the US's duty and right to police the world.)

Fun. Strangest of the strange, this election has even got "Look At Me" boy eminem to sing about issues. Look here(beware, it's 47mb, so only fast or patient connections)

Anyway. That's enough thought from me. Sorry to put you through it.

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Page last modified on October 27, 2004, at 06:19 PM