CLAWs Forums » Wargames and Boardgames

You play what? ... war games ... bleggh!!!

(2 posts)
  • Started 17 years ago by CryoPhobia
  • Latest reply from confluence
  1. As a result to the overwhelming response on the war game threads so far, I thought I’ll put this up...
    So, why do YOU think war games suck?
    1. Boooringgg ... It's pieces of cardboard. Where is the Pizzazz?
    2. WTF!?! ... You expect me to read all that? 2 pages of Carcassone rules is all I’m able to muster, forget it!
    3. Oh no! I just cannot take the conflict, can’t we just get along? I can so not stand all this!
    4. Are we finished yet?! I wanna go home, this is taking way to looong!
    5. No way dude, I’m not painting that sh...!
    6. Boys and their little men! <sigh>

    Feel free to add or disagree ...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. I thought anyone could both edit and delete their own posts; apparently there is only a temporary opportunity to modify posts.

    I have deleted the whole conversation.

    Ladies and gentlemen, to make everyone's forum experience more pleasant, please don't be randomly abusive, don't use real names without permission, and don't feed a flamewar even if the other guy started it.

    Posted 17 years ago #

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