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White wolf new vs old

(8 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by StormMaker
  • Latest reply from Yancke


  1. White wolf's world of darkness (werewolf, vamp, wraith, floating teabag*) recently went through a change and was re-released.

    Beyonmd the storytelling elements (reduction in vamp clans for example) has the system changed in terms of game mechanics?

    If I drafted a module for Monday night mayhem using old rules, could it be converted to new rules?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. * yes in the last teabag campaign I played a used Earl Grey; een now I seep with the memories

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. Er, dunno about the tea thing :P but in general it would be quite straightforward converting OldVamp to NewVamp (no experience with the other games). Bearing in mind that there's no metaplot (you can make your own if needed) and a different character-type configuration (13 clans vs 5 clans/5 covenants), it would take a bit of fiddling.

    The mechanics are a little different too, just check out the different character sheets for example. There are several small changes, like a better combat system and successes being 8 and above instead of 7; but broadly speaking it's pretty damn similar. Same dice, same skill+attribute rolls, similar disciplines and so on. If you surf the White Wolf forums you'll find lots of pedants elaborating on these questions, so your best bet is to check there.

    But, in essence, conversion is very possible. :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. Does the new WoD core rulebook cover all the rule changes or does one have to buy the tome of tea bag, werewolf (there wolf, there castle),and vamp new books as well.

    For example has the stats and abilities of werewolves changed or just the wrapping (clans)

    I am working on a module idea that would be suited to WW and I am setting a goal of having it ready for a moonday mayhem.

    Any new WW tutors willing to facilitate my DP?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. Astral_Daemon

    I've played in a game using old WoD setting with new WoD rules. It ran pretty smoothly all things considered.

    There are some things that are a bit of a pain converting. I seem to recall some disciplines got lost in the updating, but for our game the DM just fudged it. It all worked fine.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. OOPMan

    New WoD vs. Old WoD contains:

    1: Significant rules changes
    2: Complete setting restart

    "Porting" a module from old to new or vice versa would likely be painful...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. pooh

    guess I need to read new rules and design as per new system

    anyone have a new WoD game going that I could sit in on for a session to see the rules in play?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  8. Yancke

    " New WoD vs. Old WoD contains:

    1: Significant rules changes
    2: Complete setting restart

    "Porting" a module from old to new or vice versa would likely be painful... "

    - Agreed, setting and rules have been redone completely.
    Rather rewrite. Or run it as is.

    Posted 17 years ago #

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