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Vampire: the Recovery

(10 posts)
  1. dystopia
    code monkey

    After much procrastinating, I have decided to run a game using Vampire: the Requiem. This is the New World of Darkness Vampire. If anyone is interested, please let me know dystopan dot reality at gmail dot com

    The setting:

    In the year 2021, the Silent War started. No one knows who started it and all records have been erased. There were no warheads, missiles, rockets or anything of the sort fired in the Silent War. It started with a computer virus that disabled the military, utilities, all financial and scientific systems. It struck on 1 January, exactly 50 years after the beginning of the Unix Epoch. It is suspected that it was 50 years, to the millisecond.

    The superpowers all suspected one another, and launched what attacks they could. This mostly meant sending in troops, which included an incasion of US soil. But, the soldiers were the least of the problems. It seemed that along with the computer virus (which was never named), there was a biological virus. This virus aroused the worst aspects of humanity, in about a quarter of the population. These people started riots, looted and destroyed everything they came across. All major cities were devastated. Fortunately the virus also aroused the noble aspects in another quarter of the population. These people resisted those who would destroy society, and they inspired those that were unaffected to subdue the violence.

    Depite the efforts of these protectors, a lot of lives were lost and much was destroyed. Then, 256 days after the virus struck, the half of the population that was affected died suddenly.

    Now, years after the war has ended, people are trying to rebuild. In London, the government is organising the people. Everyone is fed and housed. Those that are able to work are given luxury credits, when they work. Each day, tasks are divided up amongst the people that present themselves. There is no private enterprise, because everything is run by the government. It isn’t that it is illegal, just that no one has the motivation and there are no facilities that aren’t controlled by the government. Farms are run in a similar fashion, except those that work them are looked after better than those that work in the city. There are no other cities in what was formerly known as the United Kingdom, the entire population of the British Isles lives in London. During the war, everyone was evacuated from all other cities. There may be some survivors outside of London, but they are not in communication with anyone in the city.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. dystopia
    code monkey

    so far there has been minimal response to this. am i to assume that everyone is in enough games or that they do not have enough to play at all? is there anyone that is interested, but can't commit now? please let me know, i am keen to run this. so if you would like to play later, then that will mean that i actually get to run it

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. level

    Hi. I am one of three players who would be keen to play. Love Vampire. When are you thinking of starting the campaign?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. dystopia
    code monkey

    level: as i don't recognise the name under which you are posting, i am going to have to assume that you are someone that has overheard me speaking about this recently. of the two people that have spoken to me, one will not be able to play any time soon and the other will only be able to play for a short while this year. therefore, it looks like we would only start next year. however, if there is enough interest, i can start sooner and let them join when it is convenient for them. we may be able to get something running with two people, then lose one and gain another. although, i think that three or four would be the ideal number. which means that we would need one more

    please send me an email, so i can keep you up to date. dystopan dot reality at gmail dot com

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. level

    Distopia. Hi
    I am new on the system so you would not recognize the name, Sorry. I am not one of the people you spoke to, I actually saw your posts here on the forum.
    I know of three people who would like to play including myself. One of which is Oliver who is only here for a couple more months,(I assume he is one of the two interested players you mentioned). I know that he is very keen to start playing as soon as possible and with three players that could be done, as you say filling in another when one leaves. If you would prefer at least four I am sure I can scrounge up another player if we need, as long as you don't mind someone a little less experienced.
    Please let me know what you think.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. Jslr

    I am interested in playing will send you an email now!


    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. dystopia
    code monkey

    level: i was referring to two people that i have spoken to in person, and i don't think that there has been any mention of that on the forum. oliver hasn't spoken to me about it, and i don't think that we will be able to start before he leaves unfortunately

    so far the interested parties are: jslr, level, darkoutthere (stating later) and one other pleb who hasn't bothered to sign up for the forum. which means we can start soon. now i just need to get my act into gear

    can everyone interested please send me an email, so i send out the more in depth player backgrounds

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. level

    Dystopia: I hope you recieved my e-mail. If not please let me know.
    Just wanted to get a general idea of when you are thinking of beginning the campaign,
    if you could let me know when around you are planning to start that would be great.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. dystopia
    code monkey

    level: i'm afraid that i haven't received an email from you. unless i'm smoking crack. but i have sent out a player intro to everyone that i have an email address for, so if i have sent that to you, then all is fine. i think, though, that there may have been some confusion somewhere

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. level

    Dystopia: I am very confused.
    I have tried to send through emails to you three times from my yahoo account and they have just not gone through. I have now sent a mail from my work account which I am hoping you will recieve. please let me know if you don't get it.

    Posted 17 years ago #

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