CLAWs Forums » Card Games

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

(3 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by confluence
  • Latest reply from Agrippa


  1. The card game previously known as Jyhad and currently known as Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is alive and in good health, and in my biased opinion the best CCG evar. It is designed with multi-player games in mind.

    If you used to play, many years ago, you can still use your old cards today (they don't cycle out of legality, like in Magic). Hey, you might even win, since the expansions haven't made all the old stuff irrelevant.

    If you've never played before, there are some pretty good starter decks you can get.

    Friendly but as-of-recently official tournaments are held semi-regularly in Cape Town, usually at the Outer Limits shop in the Strand Tower in town. There are prizes, and everything.

    There is a mailing list for discussing V:TES in Cape Town. To subscribe, send an email to: vtes HYPHEN ct HYPHEN subscribe AT yahoogroups DOT com.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. In fact, next Saturday, the 18th November, is the Millennium Cultist storyline event. If you'd like to play email the Yahoo! list confluence posted above and ask to sign up.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. Agrippa

    Places are now fully booked for this limited-space event. Spectators welcome. Especially if you are from the Northern Suburbs. For some reason Northern Suburbs players are somewhat scarce. Read into that what you will.

    Posted 18 years ago #

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