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Urgent - DM needed to save the universe from fizzling out of existence

(15 posts)
  • Started 17 years ago by Weregerbil
  • Latest reply from Oliver
  1. Weregerbil

    Hello prospective game masters,

    If you're looking for an instant campaign, you're in luck! I've been running a D&D Eberron campaign for over 3 years now and I'm resigning because I want to play for a change. It'd be a shame for it all to fizzle out now, wouldn't it? Here's a quick rundown of the party composition:

    Bugbear bard
    Warforged fighter
    Changeling rogue
    Aerenal Elf wizard - Intimdating facial tattoo somewhat mitigates being an Elf
    Orcish druid - I assure you madam, my pet dinosaur poses no danger to your hamlet. Carcaroth! Heel! Heel! Bad Carcaroth.

    We play on Monday evenings at 7pm (Tamboerskloof). If you're intersted, come and have a few drinks and a chat with the players and we'll see if it's a good fit.

    Weregerbil over and out.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Greetings dear Weregerbil, does the fact that I dont really know where Tamboerskloof is throw a vorpal spanner into the works? I want to run a D&D campaign, but I'd like to know what the player levels are. Are we talking epic here? Three years is a lot of levels...

    Also, whats the style of play? Are we talking stick-up-the-ass greyhawk style? Or a more relaxed fun oriented style where the rules are more 'guidelines' really? Do you religously dole out the XP, counting every point from the slaying of the Dracolich to finding Thomas the Blind's incontinent cat? That sort of thing?

    Clearly it a more relaxed campaign if there's a bugbear player, but can you define the cmapiagn a bit more for me?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Weregerbil

    Hello there Morgana,

    Let's see, questions questions, whatever has happened to telepathy?

    1) Does location throw a spanner (vorpal) in the works? Possibly if you're in Outer Mongolia. Tamboerskloof is close to the centre of town. Perhaps you know where the Lifestyle centre is on Kloof Street (Labia on Kloof is there). Anyway, if you just carry on up Long Street towards the mountain you'll get there.

    2) Player levels are low-ish - the party made it to 6th level after 3 years. They'll be level 7 since my final act as DM will be to promote them.

    3) Style of play? Bugbears or not, this is a serious game, each character has a rich history with aspirations of shaping the world around them. I'd describe it as a balanced mix between roleplaying and action. No xp counting here. No dracoliches or incontinent cats, but a plethora of villians who'd love nothing more than to exact painful revenge against our interpid, if sometimes ethically-flawed pseudo heroes.

    I suggest you meet the rabble and see how you feel. Some of us are ex-claw types with real jobs now - the horror, the horror. The others are slightly less horrific on the cthuloid scale of things.

    <Weregerbil has spoken>

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. Oliver

    Hey hello!
    I am not living far from Tambeskloef and I am very interested in the setting.
    So would you mind another player who wants to do some good old oldschool rpg?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. In response:

    1) Ok then, I dont know Town that well so you'll have to forgive my lack of general Town geography. I work in Buitengraght Street, so I'm not far.

    2) Doesnt that get frustrating? How do you feel that you are advancing in the game, becoming cooler as it were, if you level that slowly? All the campaigns I have played, few admittedly, have gotten me to epic within a year. Is that a bad thing? Why stick to such low levels? Do you have a strategy? Can you explain the reasoning? I've found that levels 8-14 have been the most fun to play.

    3) So you focus more on the storyline side of things then? I love thinking up good stories and twists, its the best part for me as a player. The random quests for xp are just the sort of thing that you'd prefer to find in a PC game. Fetch the bread I left in the shop down the street. I'll give you gold and XP for it... Boring. Do your players do things for storyline rewards more than levels?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. Weregerbil

    Hello again,

    Many of the player rewards do indeed come from the storyline. The players may be "low level" in terms of a game system, but they have gained extensive experience and significant influence over time. Their extensive travels have made them a part of a living setting and their actions have influenced the lives of entire nations.

    I believe that they are proud of their accomplishments. Just ask them about the "Battle of Rose Quarry" or the horrors of the Mournlands and they'll wax lyrically about narrow escapes from misshapen horrors as big as a house and of arcane eldritch machines most vile.

    I make certain that they realise they're special - a number of prophetic encounters have left them aware that they have a destiny concerning the fate of the whole continent. Sinister powers have begun to take an interest in these petty mortals.

    So far, playing at low level has helped me to maintain a gritty noir atmosphere in the game setting. It also keeps them on the edge since they're keenly aware of the risks to life and limb that their actions entail. I've had a few character deaths, but not many. Having said that, they are a formidable bunch because they've found ways to bolster their skills and talents without levels or items. This results in innovative and intelligent gameplay. I don't shy away from challenging them to the limit, but I don't do so arbitrarily. It does give me great pleasure as a games master when the party comes up with a way to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. (I'm the first one high-fiving them when this happens!)

    As far as magic items go, they have relatively few - the only character who has some decent kit inherited it - and we roleplayed the events leading up to that over some three months of weekly sessions.

    In terms of advancing the game, it's all about plot. The characters sense they are involved in something epic and they're hungry to be a part of it. As a DM, this means I don't feel I have to railroad them onto a particular path, I just need to let them glimpse it, subtly dangle the carrot, and off they go.

    If we meet, I can sketch my vision and where I see things going. If you are up for the job, it'll become your vision to shape as you see fit. Lastly, being a DM for this lot leaves one feeling like one is playing with the party rather than against them. This is as it should be, but it's good to know.

    I work in Town too - perhaps we can meet for a drink at a place of your choosing. Does Friday suit you? I'll see if some of the group can make it.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. Friday's a no-go unfortunatley. I'm off to play starwars in Gordan's Bay.
    My one concern at the moment is that I might be too IN-experienced a DM for this group. They seem to be much more savvy than I am in the gaming department. I've only been playing for two and a half years now. Not very long. I've been reading the books since I was 11 though. I have experience with highly developed storylines and insane twists. If there's no one else you can find I'm certainly up for the job, but I'm worried that my inexperience might frustrate the player's somewhat.

    Any way we could meet today? I finish work at 5. I have ideas from other campaigns that have never been implemented, and some that have that they might like. How long are the sessions each?

    Storyline is what matter's to me the most. You may have glanced at my thread about 'hooking players', but I've had some trouble with a player that doesnt do well under a developed storyline. He likes to go his own way, do his own thing. All I can mannage to do is look on in bemusment. I cant hardly say, "No, you're character cant go to the beach." But I dont want to force anybody. *sigh* that's what I meant about not being experienced enough for your group. Also, what do you feel about another player joining? Oliver seems keen.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. Weregerbil

    Just saw this - yes, I'm in Town and can make it around 5. Where would you like to meet? Also, how might I identify you?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. Somewhere in longstreet? Somewhere not too expensive. I'm wearing a blue jacket, jeans, brown hair ponytail, black leather bag. Can meet you at the large orange back packers place. Anywhere. Will be ther if you have no chance to reply before 5

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. Weregerbil

    Long Street is good - not sure exactly where the backpackers is. How about Dubliners towards the top of Long Street?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. OK. Meet you there then. What do you look like then?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  12. BTW, I'm female....if the name didnt give it away

    Posted 17 years ago #
  13. Weregerbil

    I'm wearing a a sweater with shades of grey, brownish trousers, striped shirt. Look for the person who looks like he's recovering from a very late playing role playing games. Will get there about quarter past.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  14. Yancke

    Giggle for the day:

    "I assure you madam, my pet dinosaur poses no danger to your hamlet. Carcaroth! Heel! Heel! Bad Carcaroth."

    Bwhahahahahahaha! Funny stuff.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  15. Oliver

    Hey guys! I am still keen on playing D&D again.
    If there is some room left for another player just write me:


    Posted 17 years ago #

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