CLAWs Forums » Events


(7 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by Ravenna
  • Latest reply from StormMaker
  1. -----
    *23 Feb - CLAWs O-week party @ One Ring @ 10ish

    *26 Feb - Monday Mayhem 1 (to be announced)

    *5 March - Monday Mayhem 2 (to be announced)

    *5 March to 9 March - week-long campus KAOS (get photo, kill target, get new target etc)

    *9 March - Quake KAOS @ Leslie Social Sciences Building @ 8pm

    *12 March - Monday Mayhem 3 (to be announced)

    *20 March - Special 'Tuesday Mayhem' LARP (next day is a public holiday)

    *26 March - Monday Mayhem 4 (to be announced)

    *30 March - Possible movies & pizza night

    Aside from this, we'll probably arrange impromptu card gaming evenings, wargaming and other stuff. Basically tell us what you want and we'll see if we can make a plan. Any question about the above can be posted here. Anyone wanting to volunteer to run any mayhem modules will be adulated.

    That is all.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. WombatBoy

    Erg, at the moment, I have a roleplaying game every Monday evening. :/

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. Astral_Daemon

    I'm luckily free Monday evenings. Though would it be immoral for a committee member to play in Monday Mayhem modules?

    Should they hold back to let ordinary CLAWs members play?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. akika

    I too have a game every monday... I guess we could all go off and play with other people one monday every now and then... but I'm not sure I like that idea.

    I think that if there's need of players, the committee members who are available should volunteer. I also think that if the committee members want to play, they should be allowed to - all that work for so little reward.

    I think that the Tuesday LARP sounds interesting, as long as I haven't played it already.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. No reason why committee shouldn't play, we're members like everyone else. ;)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. And just for the record, coz there seems to be some confusion, the party is on !FRIDAY! (not Saturday).

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. Ravenna any truth to the rumour that the CLAWS event (FRIDAY 23 Feb @ One Ring) will be a no black affair?

    I only ask as I must get my 80’s white jeans, sneakers and pastel throw sweater from Maladomini, the seventh level of the Hell. For is it not known that Asmodeus is the keeper of 80’s fashion!

    Posted 18 years ago #

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