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Things seem to moving a little slow...

(25 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by OOPMan
  • Latest reply from jettlogic
  1. OOPMan

    Okay, so, the forum is up and seems to be running mostly okay. The current page style seems to be working okay.

    However, we're not seeing much traffic though. Looking at the recent user registrations page, it doesn't look like many people have been joining.

    So, is the forum still in testing phase? If this is the case, then never mind. However, if we are actually at the point where this thing is pretty much ready for general usage, we need to actual get claw people other than the 1st Geek Division to join :-)

    Any thoughts on this people?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. We haven't made any kind of official announcement on the lists yet. Maybe we should -- the forum is definitely usable already (although I'd like the edit buttons back).

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. dystopia
    code monkey

    i will put them back this weekend, along with one or two other things i want changed. then maybe an anouncement on monday?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. Sounds like a good plan. :)

    Other outstanding issues (which have been raised before:)
    * Below various text entry boxes, there's a note about formatting, which starts with "Allowed tags". This may confuse people because of the dual use of the word "tags", especially where it appears below the text input for entering tags for a post. I suggest replacing "Allowed tags" with "Allowed HTML", and putting triangle brackets around the listed HTML tags to make it clear that that's what they are.
    * Custom fields on the profile page -- this may be a more long-term task.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. Another thing: we should have a link to the rss feed for the whole forum somewhere, and also describe how to access feeds for different threads, forums (can we do that) and tags. It may not be necessary to edit the page for this; we could put it in a post. Does this forum do post stickyness? I'll go check.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. Admins seem to have a "stick topic" link; hooray!

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. OOPMan

    Wee, good to see we should be getting things going then...

    If anyone can think of any pertinent people that should join the forum who won't be reached by the standard mailing lists, then they should probably contact 'em next week, I suppose...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  8. There are feeds for individual forums, threads, tags, whatever.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  9. OOPMan

    Okay, so what's the status with going large then? I haven't seen anyone Announce post on the Cthulist or anything yet...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  10. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    Well it doesnt seem to have done much good, in fact the forum hardly seems to be active anymore?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  11. Yancke

    I had forgotten this was here. I so a mail in my in box and went "ohh ye i remember that".

    Posted 18 years ago #
  12. OOPMan

    Yeah...the CLAWs forum....fat lot of good it's been. Typical bloody half-arsed CLAWs thing. A lot of talk about putting it together, followed by a kind of half-hearted exhalation in the form of a "test forum" which then mutates unpleasantly into the "final form" but without users.

    A triumph of fucking design...


    Posted 18 years ago #
  13. Here, have a billygoat. *tosses*

    As I recall, you were one of the people who really, really wanted a forum lots. So why aren't you using it? :P

    Posted 18 years ago #
  14. jettlogic

    I think works as an RSS feed for the whole forum...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  15. jettlogic

    Re Forum activity, maybe try announcing also the "all posts" RSS feed. People may feel more like posting if they can also see everything that's going on (rather than subscribing to particular topics when few discussions have started up yet). - G

    Posted 18 years ago #
  16. Yup, that's how I'm keeping up. And the global feed was mentioned in the cthulist announcement. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people don't use RSS. I've found an email notification plugin and installed it, but it doesn't seem to be working. It's possible that we need to upgrade the forum to make it work. I will have a closer look later, but I don't have time right now.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  17. I was chatting to Ard this weekend; in the context of thinking about the 20th anniversary coming up next year; CLAWS probably has a larger Alumni base than a current membership. This Alumni base needs a contact point, such as the forum.

    How about listing the plaza week activities on the forum and making an announcement on email lists and asking Alum’s to self identify, those in CT may want to join the LAPS, those outside of CT may want to buy mugs, t-shirts and the like?

    CLAWS could so use its Alumni more pro-actively…

    The Forum can become the vehicle for this re-awakening of members, stirred to communicate!

    Posted 18 years ago #
  18. If you want the current committee to do stuff, I guess you'll have to poke the Clawthing. I'll probably be seeing her at a vampire (card game) demo soon; I'll mention that the forum exists again. ;) As for the alumni... if you want to post another cthulist announcement, with detailed suggestions, be my guest. The response to the last one has been tepid, although perhaps everyone has just forgotten about the forum's existence over the holidays.

    Edit: crap; a notice in CLAWmarks would have been a good idea. Too late.

    Edit the second: I poked the Clawthing.

    Edit the third: Clawthing says there was an ad in CLAWmarks, actually.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  19. akika

    I'd suggest resending it to the Cthulist. I don't remember getting that email [though I went back and checked and it was there] and I didn't notice it in CLAWmarks either. If someone hadn't said "This is the address - go there" I wouldn't even know the forum existed.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  20. Hey, Clawthing does NOT need to be poked! If anything, it's everyone else who is being lazy! ;) I actually volunteered for this gig... :P

    There's a mention in the CLAWmarks classifieds section under links (yes I know it's just thrown in there, but I thought the forum wasn't fully finished yet). I'll send out a Cthulist reminder - in fact, I'm going to be posting some ideas here to bounce off people. Unfortunately campus presence is waning, so all announcements will happen (probably exclusively) online. RSS is a big bonus, and the forum format is great because the posts don't have to go through a moderator before, which makes them more immediate.

    I'll try stir up some interest.

    That is all.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  21. OOPMan

    Think I'm trolling, do you confluence?

    Bah, I have better things to do.

    Yes, I did want a CLAWs forum. Unfortunately forums don't work very well when there are only...ooooh...let's see....4 or 5 active users. The conversation gets a little stale...

    Lack of activity has a way of killing forums. While I would love to be able to say that I have the time to post a zillion topics on a zillion subjects in an attempt to breath life into a stillborn baby, I would be lying if I did...

    I *thought* CLAWs had supposedly recieve an injection of noobs. Where are they? I think I've seen one or two online and that's about it. All the other people I've seen have been older members.


    Posted 18 years ago #
  22. akika

    Chances are most of them are a little frightened of scary people like you. And what, exactly, is wrong with older members? Do you have something against them?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  23. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    It's that the point? The older memebers sacring the new young ones?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  24. sacring

    verb: to sack the ring (euphemism for anal sex?)

    or is this a lord of the ring thing, like mug the ring bearer?

    or possibly a typo as it should have been "older members scrying the new young ones"

    discourse analysis please, this is a university after all albeit a striking, disfunctional food venues, servers and parking spots

    Posted 18 years ago #
  25. jettlogic

    How about suggesting the use Thunderbird's RSS feature (in the absence of a specialised feed reader), to subscribe to in much the same way as people now subscribe to cthfuschia.

    I use Thunderbird for the forum, since it's not a "news" feed, and I try to limit my reading of "news" feeds to weekends, after having experienced one too many unproductive days.

    I also personally found that a zillion times easier than when I created a Yahoo account and tried to link it with cthfuschia and cthulist groups (requiring address validation etc... bleh!)

    Posted 18 years ago #

RSS feed for this topic


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