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Systems theory

(9 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by StormMaker
  • Latest reply from hodgestar
  1. where is the proper palce to debate RPG systems?

    I am placing a question regarding the white wolf, world of darkness system in the campaigns forum; is this the right place?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. I think maybe we should have a generic Tabletop RPG category for this sort of thing. Later, if any one system becomes so huge that it dominates the category completely, it could be split off into a separate category -- but with good use of tags, that may not even be necessary.

    Comments? Votes?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. given the current card, wargame and events; all of which allow focused discussion in that system, makes sense to have a Tabletop RPG category

    great (comment)

    aye (vote)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. OK, given a complete lack of interest from anyone else, I'm going to be an autocrat. Generic tabletop category, here we come.

    ETA: Done, and I've moved your thread to the new forum.
    ETA2: Further, I've removed the Campaigns category and moved all its threads into Tabletop. I think this is a more sensible and less confusing arrangement. We can mark threads about campaigns with tags. This version of bbpress doesn't let you delete forums, so I've converted Campaigns into Cthfuchsia, a catch-all forum for off-topic chatting.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. viva autocrats viva

    from shiny jackboot to "night of the long knives" sharp peak

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. OOPMan

    Wow, the Tabletop RPG forum that I wanted about 3 months ago finall exists :-)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. Yancke

    What do peeps think of the l5r system?
    I really like the Rool+keep + raises. Its a really flexible system. Quite difficult to "break" in the setting.

    There are some balance issues (some of the "schools" are considered unfair), and some clearing up of phrasing but all in all i like it a lot. The problems are minor really.

    Vastly preferrable to D&D, white wolf, UA (never really crazed for the ua rules, IMO.
    But then again im a fanboy of l5r so yeah....

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. I like the L5R setting. The rules? Not so much. They've reached the level of d20 in finnicky, number-shuffling complexity (although they're not nearly as illogical).

    I like that there are as many complicated system effects for courtiers as there are for warriors and spellcasters, but I don't like the general complexity. I think it gets in the way of roleplaying, and in the way of the dramatic storytelling which the setting implies should at some point occur. I find it really annoying when a session gets completely derailed into hours of anal die-counting and bitching over whose special convoluted class power is broken / underpowered / better or worse than someone else's. FFS. :P


    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. I like the L5R raises concept a lot. It puts some control over the difficulty back into the hands of the players and allows one to easily differentiate between someone whose skill is sufficient and someone who has truly mastered an art.

    The roll and keep I'm ambivalent about. It's not a bad mechanic as things go but it's a lot of dice to add up for what in the end is just a single number (admittedly drawn from a peaked distribution).

    The biggest problem with the L5R 3rd system is really the plethora of minor glitches (unfixed copy and paste errors, rules which weren't well thought out, places where the intent of the rules are unclear) which make the rulebook a bit of a nightmare for actual play.

    Probably what I like most about the L5R system is that the authors have really made an effort to taylor it to the setting. Unfortunately, there are lots of places where they have simply failed out right, but there are a least a few cases where they've really got things spot on (I particular like the favour system for the Crane courtiers and the abilities of the Seppun guards).

    Posted 17 years ago #

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