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Shadowrun 4.01 vs. 3.01

(4 posts)


  1. Oliver

    In Germany there was a big discussion between the fans of the old SR 3.01 and the new SR 4.01.
    It was criticized that there are no more pools in 4.01 and therefore a tactical element was lost. Another point of criticism was that during charakter creation the limits of the skills and traits are lame rules vs powergaming which don't work.
    Also that humans are the worst race according to the rules and orks are the best didn't go down well.

    So what do you think about the new SR? Which version do you prefer and why?

    I for my part love the 4th version. It has a better and faster and even deadlier system. Ok, the WiFi-stuff is not to everybody's taste but on the other hand you can even play a hacker which was only possible in theory in older versions.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Yancke

    4ed is cool. i bought the book. i prefer it to 3ed. My friends however insist on 3ed.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Oliver

    I don't understand how anybody can prefer the 3rd. I for my part love the 4th edition. The rules are much much better to use, quicker, more flexible and simpler.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. Jslr

    I just recently read the 3rd edition, and wondering if anyone can give me an idea of what was changed between 3rd and 4th???

    Posted 17 years ago #

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