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Pirates of the Spanish Main

(7 posts)


  1. Oliver

    Hey, has anybody here ever played Pirates of the Spanish Main from Wizkids?
    It is a very simple tabletop for which you do not need much money. You play it with 3D-models of ships which really existed nearly on every table.
    There are several faction which have been increased by several boosters.

    It is a shame I left my stuff at home.

    So if you are interested in a cool, simple and funny tabletop and want to get some infos look here:


    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Hi Oliver

    I saw this being played one evening. As you say a very simple, but fun game. I liked the simple mechanics of tracking damage to ships and calculating movement.

    Funny thing was the guys on the table next to the above working out some serious gaming rules for their upcoming "Battle of Trafalgar” game. All the calculations for proper speed and wind directions made my head heart.


    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Confluence and I have two packs each. We've only played once so far. I wouldn't mind tweaking the rules a bit if I played again. Using the default rules small ships are faster in a straight line (wtf?) and more maneuverable so big ships never get to fire on them, which makes big ships mostly useless. I also don't like the can't-fire-while-moving rule. It feels like a game with a lot of potential though. And the tiny ships are adorable.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. Oliver

    Huh? Maybe in general small ships are faster in a straight line but all in all each ship has it's own speed. So you can have small ships which are very slow and big ships which are very fast. Take a look at the Wizkids website. There are more than enough big ships which are very fast.
    The length of the line you can move depends on the card of the ship.
    Or are you referring to schooner ability to be able to turn after a move.

    I for my part like the rule which doesn't allow you not to fire while moving. It makes the game faster and you also have to think more. In addition there are several other factors which rely on this rule like abilities from several crew members or ships.

    Why does anybody wants to make this game so complicated? Ah, okay! If he likes it.

    The rule I don't like is the broadside. It is very lame.
    Another part are the chinese ships which are way overpowered with up to 6 masts. But I don't buy these packs so it doesn't matter to me at all.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. Hi Oliver

    The guys were playing with "proper" minis. I cannot remember the rule system, sorry for the lame description. Link to some of the pics from the event:

    Scale 1:1200

    This is where I find the complexity of rules to be subjective. As I have no real interest in naval war fair, I’d go for something like Pirates of the Spanish Main with low impact rules.


    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. @Oliver: Perhaps is was just a fault with the particular ships we got in the few starter packs we bought. Not being able to move and fire means that you only ever get one shot at someone. And since damage doesn't appear to slow ships down, that means you have to have truly massive amounts of guns to have any hope of stopping a ship.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. Oliver

    Hmm... I've plaid a few sessions and never had problems to slow anyone down. You don't have to forget that you can play the game about getting all the treasure.
    You can also set your ships in a way that he has to pass you and only with a special ability he can fire back. Especially with long ranged guns you can make up a good blockade but also the short ranged guns are not that bad.
    And you can also try to stop him by ramming and boarding him. The bigger the ship the better.
    Have you stuck to the rules for setting the game up? Especially I mean the distances between the islands.

    Ah yes, in later booster packs you get fortresses. Very nasty things!

    Posted 17 years ago #

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