CLAWs Forums » Tabletop RPGs

Mutant Chronicles

(4 posts)
  • Started 17 years ago by Oliver
  • Latest reply from StormMaker
  1. Oliver

    This game was published some years ago under the name Warzone. I was fascinated from the story then and since FFG will publish it, a company which is known for high quality products I will definitely buy it. Especially the announcement that strategy will play an important part is one of the major reasons to buy it since I don't want a game like WH40k where the better army list wins and not the better tactician.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Hi Olivier

    Have you seen anything posted on rules online? I'm only able to find some mentioning of rules on the GenCon 2007 site, but nothing more. BoardGameGeek is also not of much help.

    I see the game makes use of action cards, wonder how this will turn out?


    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Oliver

    I only know what is written in the preview. Since the miniatures have a scale of 54mm I think it will be more skirmishing than mass-combat like WH40k.
    With the action cards I can imagine that these are doing something like the cards in Twilight Imperium and BattleLore with it's magic cards (either boost your own troops or annoy the opponent).

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. I have seen cards used in wargames for intermediate goals / objectives; for of war rules; terrain modifiers; and other changing dynamics that make for a more fluid game.

    This can make it exciting to play beyond, I have more money and or time to buy and paint miniatures and hence dominate the session.

    Posted 17 years ago #

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