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Posted 17 years ago #
So yes. This is a topic to post all my roleplaying ideas when ever i have them. Sort of a general ideas discussion board. Feel free to post.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Like Ars Magica. God is anyone ever going to run this system again? I swear to the Order of Hermes I am willing to go down on the DM who runs a game and would eternally sing their praises...in latin. Which reminds me..what is the status on female DMs these days?
Posted 17 years ago # -
Also i have finally plotted out my module. The cop one rather than the horrific fomori one. If anyone would like to help put this thing together as it is my first module...feel free to sign your soul on the dotted line...or...you know...you could email me or something. Garrickva@Gmail.com
Posted 17 years ago # -
Mental note: vodka, hate and internet blogging do not mix.
Up next: Vigilantism and the fine art of the flashback.
Posted 16 years ago # -
So tuesday nights are spent with the revolving Dm group and i have had the most wonderful idea for when next im in the hot seat.
Its a dual time line game with each player having a different character sheet for the two parts of their characters lives. The one for the present and the one for six or seven months ago. Think Hot Fuzz meets Fight Club except filmed like Lost
Posted 16 years ago # -
Stupid phone.
Where was i...yes. Constant cuts between a group of suburbanites starting a neighborhood watch and a group of hardened vigilantes kicking ass and taking names. Discussing justice in one time zone and dispensing it in another.
Total schizophrenic psychosis in a pimp-my-hockey-mask kind of way.
Cannot wait.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Have visited many evil places and randomly decided to run a forum game.
Post to play.
Its under the heading "The Game has begun..."
Posted 16 years ago # -
Just to clear up a few points that may not be obvious concerning the forum hand im running.
The Game is itself a form of Npc. The idea is that the forum game is more of a sand box text adventure game than an online rpg. So all posts made by me are infact responses you are getting from The Game. So interacting with this for want of a better word AI becomes a part of the game as well.
Posted 16 years ago # -
A rudimentary system is in place which adapts and changes to fit needs. All the skill checks and dice rolling are done on my end as part of the inner mechanics of The Game. Its best to think of it as a self evolving tree pad document with a personality and an external dice roller...because...well...thats what it is. Posting allows you to interact with the tree pad document. Moving you from place to place and managing your inventory.
Posted 16 years ago # -
The Game will never tell you the rules and has no manual. But by interacting with it like you would a text adventure will get you information. Basically you will never know the full range of options you have until you ask The Game. Sometimes getting certain information will get a "cannot process at this time" error message. This means im on my mobile and all the hassles that entails.
Posted 16 years ago # -
I like the idea of experimental roleplaying and gaming. This will hopefully be a fun project for all and a great learning experience as well. And at the end of the day a tried and tested gaming system for play by post as well as a fictional setting. I seem to remember someone creating a fictional setting encyclopedia...combining the two may be interesting.
Posted 16 years ago # -
And then the phone rings and life takes that left turn out of the comfort zone and into Worriesville.
Population: You
Posted 16 years ago # -
Finally, TheGame has begun, with a shambling Space Yeti in search of Tofu.
The Setting as the players have defined ended up with Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Steampunk. A monumental task for creating a game that incorporates all these diverse themes would be nigh impossible if it werent for the a wonderful little game out there called Arcanum.
Its Steampunk and Magic in Space. The idea being that hard science will only get you so far before magic is needed to "bend" the rules a little. In spaaaaaaaaaaaaace.
The various alien races encountered will be your usual suspects in any fantasy setting. The idea being that interplanetary travel has become common and inexpensive enough for any race to make a fresh start on a new planet. In spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.
So Im mixing Arcanum and Space Quest into something light hearted and fun, but with a serious story behind it. In spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace
Get ready for some action. In Spaaaaaa *zap* *zap* *zap* eeeerrrghggllllle...croak.
Posted 16 years ago # -
ahoy there may space-fairing ai-translating nimbus of dm experimentation.
i'd really just like to say that reading this well currently short thread is like trying to take a peek into a workings of a mind but only seeing surface thoughs that flash up every now and again . . . very cool . . . profit :D
The game looks like it could get interesting I hope it makes at least 3 months as then usually it'll be good to go for much much longer. main tanking danger periods will occur at 6 weeks, 4 months, 8 months and 1 year after that its up the admin.
i must excuse my lack of capitalisation and lack of genderal specification in the game, we'll see how that works and plays out . . . evil player grin . . .
Posted 16 years ago # -
http://pac-txt.com/ Its pack man the text parser adventure!
Also Animals are not things: http://www.grandin.com/welfare/animals.are.not.things.html
And...Peanuts... http://progressiveboink.com/archive/peanuts-by-charles-bukowski/
Lucy...Good grief. What a cunt.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Thats it. No more motherfucking binge drinking for this old man. I leave it the younger generations. They can fucking have it and all the bullshit that goes with it. Im sticking to cider six packs and play. Im choosing not to make an ass of myself in public. Im engaging in a self intervention before my friends storm the kitchen with torches and pitch forks. Im choosing life.
Posted 16 years ago # -
hmmm mister acidic infant could you point out a place i could use to find the rules for teh magic system of ars magika??
thank you
Posted 16 years ago # -
Posted 16 years ago #
Now ThatI have started our Ars Magicka game...
when can I cum collect my...
Posted 16 years ago #
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