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Gamers from Mexico

(15 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by confluence
  • Latest reply from StormMaker
  1. This has been moved from the Dungeon Crawl thread, where it was posted by Tzotz:

    We are a couple of gamers from Mexico visiting South Africa on a conference on biodiversity. We are currently in CapeTown and would really like to meet fellow roleplayers for a game or two. We have some free time on friday night and all Saturday, so if anyone is interested just post here the meeting time and place and we'll get there, or if you want give us your phone or email address and we'll contact you. (We plan to hike up Tablemountain, but that would come second to playing) If no one has a game planned but would still like to meet we would be happy also. I have an adventure prepared in the Eberron campaign setting (lvl 1) and with three other players it could work.
    We are staying at a hotel in the Constantia/Wynberg(?) area.
    looking forward to hearing from you,

    Carlos & Teresita

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. dystopia
    code monkey

    i am always keen for walking up the mountain, let me know if this event materialises. reach me at dystopan DOT reality AT gmail DOT com

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    See see adam, i'm not the only mad one who posts my email address like that :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. OOPMan


    EDIT: Not the Mexicans, the other two :-)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    lol, that's rich coming from you, when are you coming back to cape town by the way?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. OOPMan

    Sometime soon, as far as I can tell. Within the next few months, I'd say, at least by early next year at the latest.

    I don't relish living in Margate, even if the alternative does involve getting a shitty job and paying of my shitty student loan...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. Come on guys, these fine Central Americans will think all the dope we smoke makes us unable to stay on topic.

    I think it would be a crying shame if a game can not be organised.

    Unfortunately most of the students who are CLAW members are writing exams Muuu ha ha (sorry that was the cruel laugh of one who is not writing exams)

    Who can organise a game for these guys or even better a game and a LARP on the Mountain (defeat the evil mt mugger (lvl 3 cutpurse, cutthroat, cut-ye-losses)?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  8. dystopia
    code monkey

    hey OOPboy, some of us are paranoid about spam bots and email addresses. and, yes i know that it is not hard to get a bot that will recognise blah AT domain DOT thing. however, it is highly unlikely that anyone would go through the effort, so i can pretend that i feel safe

    Posted 18 years ago #
  9. Yancke

    Oy!! Stay on topic biaaa ches. Answer the question that these dear people have asked! While i don't have anything planned it is always nice to meet new people. So it would be nice if something could be arranged.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  10. Tzotz

    Hi there, we are really happy to see your responses. Let me propose a couple of options:

    We are planning to start an early walk up, around 7am,and go down on the cablecar. We are told we could be back around 11am, is that right? Can you suggest a meeting point for those who also want to walk?

    For the rest, we can meet at lunch time (1pm) at a restaurant/pub/whatever that you suggest is good and nearby. From there we can organize where and what game to have. We could start gaming just after lunch or meet later in the evenning, as you wish. I read that your group is keen on writting your own stories (true?), and it would be an honor to be in game that runs one of those, of course if possible.

    An additional thing: we really wanted to go and see the penguins. (We only get to see sparrows and guacamayas back home). Do you know which time is best? Do you think that catching them before sunset is a good idea (compatible with gaming time of course).

    So I'll check on this site on the afternoon to see if anything goes. You can also leave a message at the Cellars hotel for Car-los Mu-noz.
    Just meeting you would be good of course. For what we read, it seems that you are just like our friends back home (dont´t be scared).

    Carlos & Teresita

    Posted 18 years ago #
  11. Tzotz

    Hi there, we are really happy to see your responses. Let me propose a couple of options:

    We are planning to start an early walk up, around 7am,and go down on the cablecar. We are told we could be back around 11am, is that right? Can you suggest a meeting point for those who also want to walk?

    For the rest, we can meet at lunch time (1pm) at a restaurant/pub/whatever that you suggest is good and nearby. From there we can organize where and what game to have. We could start gaming just after lunch or meet later in the evenning, as you wish. I read that your group is keen on writting your own stories (true?), and it would be an honor to be in game that runs one of those, of course if possible.

    An additional thing: we really wanted to go and see the penguins. (We only get to see sparrows and guacamayas back home). Do you know which time is best? Do you think that catching them before sunset is a good idea (compatible with gaming time of course).

    So I'll check on this site on the afternoon to see if anything goes. You can also leave a message at the Cellars hotel for Car-los Mu-noz.
    Just meeting you would be good of course. For what we read, it seems that you are just like our friends back home (dont´t be scared).

    Carlos & Teresita

    Posted 18 years ago #
  12. Penguins:

    Do not catch the Penguins; they bite, they eat fish and crap all day, their bites infect you really easily. I am sure your family want you to come home with all your fingers....

    Saying that two immediate options:
    1. The V&A Waterfront has a very very good Aquarium which has a good but smelly Penguin display (go check out the jack arse penguins, now there is an animal with a raw deal name and no sense of humour)
    This option is good becasue it is close to the cable car part of Tbl Mt. and public transport will be able to take you there. Big plus is it could also lead to many fine beer / pub options such as Scottish Ale house / Ferrymans / Den Anker / Brau house / Quay 4 etc...
    But the Aquarium is about R60 to R90 to get in so its expensive

    2. Boulders Beach in Simons Town has a Penguin Colony. Many penguins during the Apartheid years were exiled here due to breaking mixed race laws (it's the black and white thing). Many decided to settle there after the new democractic goverment gave them all pardons and four sardines as part of a TRC deal.

    Boulders Beach is cheaper option, is very beutifull but far away and has lousy public transport (train to Simons Town and then walk 1 - 2 km)

    If you have a car it may be worth a drive.

    I would recommend after the mountain thing heading for the Waterfront and checking out the Aquarium, then you could meet CLAWS gamers at one of the pubs?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  13. Tzotz

    Sounds great! Thanks for the advice on penguins StormMaker, we'll do our best not to get bitten when we smuggle a couple out to Mexico to start their Afro-Mexican colony. At what time shall we meet for many a fine beer? We will probably do lunch (1pm) at the Scottish Alehouse to choose one randomly (ask for the table on Carlos, or look for a really dorky looking tourist with his fiancee). We will return and hang out at the same place at 6pm, if that is a better time for you.
    saludos a todos,

    Posted 18 years ago #
  14. Hi Carlos

    Will try make the 1 pm slot.

    Scottish Ale house is very near the Auarium in the oldest part of the Waterfront, it brews beer on site and does a fine Milk & Honey

    I just hope soem of the other CLAWrites answer the call and can organise you guys a game

    Posted 18 years ago #
  15. So I guess no one pitched to welcome Carlos & Teresita?

    Posted 18 years ago #

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