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Full Metal Arcanum 2184 Ep: 1

(23 posts)
  • Started 16 years ago by babyacid
  • Latest reply from Princess_Anie
  1. You find yourselvs in the core block of Hilltop Space Station orbiting the agricultural planet of Hillshroud-7. Its a fairly busy day with station residents going about their business.

    Hilltop Station Core Block also contains:

    Entrance to Market Platform

    Entrance to Repairbay

    Entrance to The Tower of Algol Ante-chamber

    Entrance to The Forge of Verner Ante-chamber

    to Residential Deck
    to Observation Deck
    to Docking Bays
    to The Command Centre

    A "Magnesium Sally" Station Interface

    Players here:

    Donald von Neuman, A Human
    Zanpedi, Klets-Xpla, A Space Yeti
    Fenimore Cooper Adams, A Human
    Ithilambe Doronim, An Elf
    Masheck Featherstonehaugh III, A Human

    [All players have a "Billy Bluetooth" Personal Comunicator and Information Storage Device added to their inventories.]

    [Welcome to The Game!]


    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Klets-Xpla is shambling out of the Repairbay. She is disgusted with the state of the wreck which is currently docked in it, and wants a break for lunch. She eyes the other players longingly, imagining how deliciously crunchy she would find them if she were to abandon her dietary ethics, before proceeding to the Market Platform. She is attempting to determine the current location of the stall where she usually purchases a rubbery celery-and-tofu pie.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Donald, Lord Algol, mutters to himself as he leaves the antechamber of his Tower. Back in the days of his ancestors, the Lords of Algol had proper towers instead of a suite of rooms and offices in a second-rate space station. His ancestors also had much less administration to deal with. The fortunes of Algol had declined over the centuries (as the life span of the Lords had increased) and he could no longer afford the battery of governors and administrators his grandfather had had.

    His staff glows a moment before his personal communicator bleeps, and the colour tells him he is not going to like the call. He answers it anyway, as experience has taught him that bad news postponed tends to get worse. "Yes?"

    It was the temp standing in for his personal secretary who was off having a baby or something. "Donnie, the representative of the Trade Confederation is protesting the tariff increases. You need to meet with him this afternoon."

    He hates to be called 'Donnie'. He also hates to be told what to do, especially when it's something that should be handled by a minion. "Tell him that if he doesn't like the tariffs he can take his business elsewhere. We're already giving him the best deal in three sectors and he knows it."

    "But Donnie..."

    He interrupts her savagely. "You will call me 'sir' or 'Lord Algol'. You will also check my private calendar in the station net and note that I am unavailable for anything short of a class four emergency for the rest of the day. Is that clear?"

    She tries to respond, but Donald cuts the connection and stalks out of the antechamber in search of something to calm him. He has heard rumours that someone in the market has a couple of rare reagents he needs for the little research he still has time for in between running his estate.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. Having just arrived this morning at the Hilltop Station, Ithilambe and my assistant look around finding thier bearings.
    "Raerali, could you please make sure our accomodation is ready and organised for tonight."
    "Oh and see if you can get the room with at least a slight view of the market."
    Heading off to the Market Platform, Ithilambe thinks, I'd like to see how the people interact from a more remote location as well.

    As I move toward the markets I look over my diary to check the next couple days' meetings and objectives.
    Primary: Meet Lord Algol for trade discussions
    1 - See the local traders to get a feel of thier perspective
    2 - Find out about local trading customs
    3 - Set up meeting for to be within the next two days

    Secondary: Inquire about expanding my cartography set
    Tertiary: Seek out a shrine to Ivanellos, God of Elves.

    Thinking: "Hmmm, I may be able to get a good feel for the local merchants and expand my cartography set at the same time. lets see what the marketplace has to offer."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. Princess_Anie

    Fenimore is hiding in a supply closet. Well, 3 hours ago he was hiding, now it would be more accurate to say he is locked in a supply closet. In his haste to escape detection by the Professor in charge of the Post-Grad Station Research Team (of which he is not a member) he attempted to build a device that would not allow any people with (legitimate) access passes of a level 4 or higher (ie: anyone in a position of authority) entrance into this closet. He chose this closet because it has everything a young student could want, equipment, parts, emergency rations, water, just about everything but a toilet.

    Now he is a bit desperate but the device keeps telling him that he does not have sufficient clearance to leave the closet. Ever. If he tries, it will give him a large enough electric shock to put him in a coma.

    On the upside, it does seem to be working as the Professor has been trying to open this door for the last half hour without success. I guess thats a good thing, right?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. As Klets-Xpla rounds a corner of the busy marketplace, she notices a tall, skinny man with a monocle struggling to open a supply closet which is recessed into one of the market-chamber's vast bulkheads. He seems quite irate.

    As she approaches, Klets-Xpla is dismayed to recognise him as Dr Victor von Falkenhausen, a particularly ill-tempered academic attached to Hillshroud University's Pneumatics department. He has been on the station for months, leading some sort of cross-discipline workgroup.

    He brought a spyware-laden experimental rat-drone to Klets-Xpla over a week ago, and demanded, rather obnoxiously, that it be Reminded and delivered to him as speedily as possible. It is still in the repair dock, untouched; it has been handing Klets-Xpla tools and making her coffee. Increasingly insistent complaints have been arriving in the dock's inbox.

    Klets-Xpla tries to avoid eye contact, and dives for a service exit -- but it is too late.

    "Mechanic!" the Professor roars. "Do something about this blasted closet! It will not open, and I'm quite sure an unauthorized student is hiding in there. I have level 5 access; I really must insist... I say! Aren't you that Clettshplar girl I spoke to last week? What are you people doing with my ruddy drone? Do you realise that your incompetence is holding up vitally important research?"

    Klets-Xpla's enormous furry brows mesh into a frown. Her hands twitch slightly, massive claws clicking. Just one twist, and snap...

    No. Think vegetarian thoughts. Klets-Xpla launches into a technobabble-filled explanation of the extreme difficulties involved in Reminding the drone, and offers sincere assurances that the job is being handled by the repair dock's finest employees right now.

    The Professor has been ranting for about ten solid minutes -- mostly threatening to have Klets-Xpla fired -- when his communicator goes off, playing a jolly little tune. He checks the device, declares that he is horribly late for a lecture and it's all the repair crew's fault -- and rushes off, the supply closet completely forgotten.

    Klets-Xpla tries the handle. It does not budge. She frowns.

    She looks around. Nobody seems to be paying attention. Feeling rather foolish, she leans closer and softly knocks on the door.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. A wry smile crosses Masheck's face as he emerges from the docking bay maglift -- civilization at last. Of course, Hillshroud-7 isn't exactly Her Majesty's capital, but it should be able to provide a decent cup of coffee, a few puffs of tobacco and, perhaps, a half-decent mechanic.

    A glimpse of the battered HMZ Colonialism through a station window dispels the fleeting smile. Confound those natives. Eventually he'd managed to drive them off with a little assistance from Victoria, his trusty lightning gun, but not before they'd put a few holes in the zeppelin and made off with most of his cargo of rare earth metals and primitive artworks.

    Eyeing the repairbay wistfully, he continues on to the market place. Current funds will probably only cover a few necessities -- the aforementioned coffee and tobacco. The zeppelin's repairs will have to wait until he's sold off his meager cargo and found a financier for the next expedition.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. Player 1: Donald [Market Platform]

    Resembling more of an open-air farmers market than a bastion of commerce, there nevertheless are a few local station shops with more of a permanent reliable nature as opposed to their seasonal cousins.
    Hillshroud-7 remains regrettably nothing more than a agricultural planet year in and year out, the lions share of its bounty shipped to feed the hungry peoples of New Tarrant.

    If the rumours are to be believed then Tyrion Mason, a local merchant in exotic goods, has come into possession of some rare reagents found only beyond the Stonewall asteroid belt and deep into the Glimmering Nebula, home of the mysterious elves.


    Player 5: Ithilambe [Market Platform]

    Raerali bids you well and runs off in the direction of the Residential Deck.

    Just a few steps into the Market Platform finds you in the midst a clutch of stalls, stands and open tables. The Market Platform itself resembles more of an empty circular hanger than a module built for commerce. There nevertheless is a ring of more permanent shops built along the walls of the platform, encircling the vendors.


    Player 4: Fenimore [Core Block, Supply Closet]

    You hear the rather terse discussion outside the supply closet and the retreating footsteps of The Professor as he runs off to his late lecture. You think you recognise the other voice as belonging to that Space Yeti Mechanic from the Repair Bay. The device continues its low electrical hum. You hear a knocking on the supply closet door.

    You Lose 1 Fatigue Point


    Player 2: Klets-Xpla [Core Block, Entrance to Market Platform]

    Your stomach grumbles as you wait for an answer from the Core Block supply closet. The smell of fresh mea...erm...vegetables assalts your senses as someone enters the Market Platform ahead of you.


    Player 3: Masheck [Market Platform]

    Just a few steps into the Market Platform finds you in the midst a clutch of stalls, stands and open tables. The Market Platform itself resembles more of an empty circular hanger than a module built for commerce. There nevertheless is a ring of more permanent shops built along the walls of the platform, encircling the vendors.


    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. Moving through the markets I will look around and observe the local trading customs and compare them to what I've been told about them from back home. I'd also like to keep my eyes out for any local elvish traders/marketeers and ask them about the local customs. However I do not expect to see too many if any at all as no one responded to calls made before this expidition.

    Whilest looking around I will try spot any cartographers or caro-techies to update my set with this star sysem and basic planetary mapping.

    If there happens to also be a fletcher I'd also as a matter of respect go and look at his wares and compare them with what we have at home.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. Princess_Anie

    "Um, hi. I'm sort of, a bit stuck in here. Could you, well, um, tell the door you've got, um, only level, uh, one?! I relied on 'Fonard's Principles' to over ride the fail safes before the final movement so it can respond out of order of it's original function. It, well, shouldn't have, um, done this."

    Fenimore begins to perspire, even in the temperature controlled environment. The thought of a Space Yeti fills him with fear, and the fact that it is a female fills him with dread. Quickly he uses his wits to keep him safe and preferably uneaten.

    "You see, I'm all uh, slippery! From this oil. Yes! No! I mean, lubricant. For my, um, arm. It tastes awful, by the way! Most of me does. I'm very, um, unhealthy and. and. Vile!?"

    His voice heightens to a soprano. He prepars himself for the worst, adopting a 'starting block' sprinters' stance while attempting to look his most inedible.

    He thinks he can hear an intake of breath on the other side of the door.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  11. Don wanders into the market area, feeling his stresses starting to fade into the background as the noises of bustling trade rise around him. His informant had mentioned a mister Mason in connection with the materials he was after, but freedom from affairs of state (he allowed himself a grim inner chuckle at this description of the petty administration his line was reduced to) was rare enough that he planned to wander aimlessly around the market before finding the man he was looking for.

    Half an hour passes in pleasant browsing before he finds himself intrigued by an archaically dressed gentleman striding purposefully between the stalls in the direction of the ladies' clothing area. The leather goggles were an interesting touch, and marked him immediately as the proprietor of the vacuum zeppelin that had been scheduled for docking that morning.

    A subtle motion of a wrist combined with a muttered incantation of power is enough slip the man up and give him time to approach with appropriate dignity.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. Klets-Xpla snorts and rolls her eyes. Bloody students! Only a month previously, some joker had infected Magnesium Sally with clockwork fleas which persuaded her to speak in iambic pentameter, even when issuing docking instructions. Catching all of the little beasts and un-persuading her had taken Klets-Xpla and a team of very grumpy engineers three sleepless nights.

    She deftly flips open the access panel with her thumbclaw, and starts yanking out wires. There are few things a manual override can't fix. A bit of splicing and soldering later, a particularly impressive spark of energy arcs out of the control box and across Klets-Xpla's horns. With a soft fwoop, the door slides open.

    The cowering student inside looks quite tasty, and it would undoubtedly save future technicians a lot of trouble if Klets-Xpla just ate him now... but the whiff of lubricant is genuinely unappealing, and Klets-Xpla knows from experience that those clockwork bits would stick most unpleasantly in her teeth.

    She puts on the most menacing scowl she can muster. "You! Out! I hope this learning experience has taught you not to mess about with station machinery in the future!"

    She remembers that this particular troublemaker has had a run-in with a certain unpleasant academic, and her expression softens. "Er, look, von Falkenhausen ran off to Residential; you might want to avoid going there for a bit, until he's actually found his lecture hall. I'm starving; I was about to get a bite to eat in the marketplace. Would you like to join me?"

    Seeing the blood drain out of the young man's face, she hastily adds -- in what she hopes is a reassuring way -- "Don't worry -- I'm a vegetarian."

    Posted 16 years ago #
  13. Player 1: Donald [Market Platform]

    Describe Incantation effect.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  14. Incantation effect:

    The surface immediately below the target becomes briefly frictionless, resulting in a comic and decidedly undignified fall.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  15. Player 5: Ithilambe [Market Platform]

    Looking through the Market Platform you are unsurprised to see no Elvish marketeers, this station being very far from home. But the local trading custums do seem facinating. You were at first surprised at what seemed some almost impossibly priced tomatoes when you came to realise that the produce bought from the markets are more representative than actual. The boxes and bushels of produce representing tons of the same produce awaiting shipping. Local grossers in the wall shops provided station bought produce.

    In fact, from what you can see, most of the actual day to day shopping is done at the small shops built along the Market Platform walls, including a store titled: "Tyrion's Exotic Merchandise: Rare finds a profit!"


    Player 4: Fenimore [Core Block, Supply Closet]

    You try talking to the Space Yeti mechanic, but all that talk of oil seems to have filled your head with cooking pans and deep frying. You hear a deep unearthly growl reverberate through the supply closet. The Space Yeti starts talking about how hungry it is while performing a manual overide on the door, deactivating the device. The door pops open and you see the large shaggy Space Yeti with razor sharp teeth look down hungryly at you.

    It seems to be asking about vegetables.


    Player 1: Donald [Market Platform]

    You target the Ethelin Pilot with your spell, speaking the few arcane words of power needed to make the floor ahead of him frictionless.

    But, just as you were about to unleash the eldridge energies at his person, he disappears in a flash of light. Onlookers seem shocked by the strange individual's sudden disappearence. Perhaps the in-station teleporter is on the blink again. It certainly wasnt your spell that did it...was it?


    Player 2: Klets-Xpla [Core Block, Entrance to Market Platform]

    You open up the access panel for the supply closet lock and start performing a manual overide. With a click and a flash of electrical light, the supply closet door opens to reveal the student who has just spent the last few minutes talking about the oils in which they have been marinaded in. Your stomach has been growling at the thought and by the look on the students face, they seem to have missed the part about being a vegetarian...


    Player 3: Masheck [Market Platform]

    A Teleporter accident seems to have transported you to limbo!

    [Player placed on idle roster for failure to post after 7 days. Rounds will continue without player until next the player posts. - TheGame]

    Posted 16 years ago #
  16. Don carefully controls his surprise at the disappearance of the odd gent wearing the goggles. The obvious cause would be misbehaving teleporters again. They haven't been the same since the Magnesium Sally poetry incident. On the other hand, the timing was just too much of a coincidence. Perhaps he had some kind of ward? But the spell was aimed at the station floor, not the man.

    Thrown off his stride by this occurance, Lord Algol abandons his browsing and heads directly for Tyrion's shop.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  17. Thinking: "Hmm Exotic Merchandise . . . Well it seems to be the cloest I'm gonna get to anything on my list. The goods here seem pretty uniformly agricultural or maybe I'm just in that part of the market."

    Quitely slipping through amongst the crowds I make my way to the shop. Stopping here and there to talk to the people and shop owners whilest trying and slightly playing down the fact that I am an elf, the only elf for all i know, on this station I buy some local produce to taste the quality and finally enter the Exotic Shop.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  18. Game paused until the 5th of May 2008. New round begining on the 7th of May 2008.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  19. Player 1: Donald [Market Platform]

    "Tyrion's Exotic Merchandise: Rare finds a profit!"

    Tyrion's store is filled with a plethora of trinkets and exotic items from across the Arcanum Galaxy. From the small backwaters of the Stormwall asteroid belt to the hidden planets of the Glimmering Nebula, Tyrion seems to have a sampling from every world scattered about his shop in no desernable pattern or order. What can only be Tyrion himself stands behind a small counter near the back, folding a length of fine New Tarrantian silks.

    Also entering the store is an Elf.


    Player 5: Ithilambe [Market Platform]

    "Tyrion's Exotic Merchandise: Rare finds a profit!"

    Tyrion's store is filled with a plethora of trinkets and exotic items from across the Arcanum Galaxy. From the small backwaters of the Stormwall asteroid belt to the hidden planets of the Glimmering Nebula, Tyrion seems to have a sampling from every world scattered about his shop in no desernable pattern or order. What can only be Tyrion himself stands behind a small counter near the back, folding a length of fine New Tarrantian silks.

    Also entering the store is Lord Algol.


    Player 4: Fenimore [Core Block, Supply Closet]

    You try talking to the Space Yeti mechanic, but all that talk of oil seems to have filled your head with cooking pans and deep frying. You hear a deep unearthly growl reverberate through the supply closet. The Space Yeti starts talking about how hungry it is while performing a manual overide on the door, deactivating the device. The door pops open and you see the large shaggy Space Yeti with razor sharp teeth look down hungryly at you.

    It seems to be asking about vegetables.


    Player 2: Klets-Xpla [Core Block, Entrance to Market Platform]

    You open up the access panel for the supply closet lock and start performing a manual overide. With a click and a flash of electrical light, the supply closet door opens to reveal the student who has just spent the last few minutes talking about the oils in which they have been marinaded in. Your stomach has been growling at the thought and by the look on the students face, they seem to have missed the part about being a vegetarian...


    Posted 16 years ago #
  20. Thinking to myself,
    "Hmm this day is full of hidden gifts. The Lord happening to stride to the shop I am in. Well I guess now wouldn't be right to make an appointment but I can at least say hello."

    Slowly meandering through the shop looking here and there I make my way towards the Lord Algol.

    With a slight nod and soft calm tone I greet the Lord "By Ivanellos' eye I see he has smiled gently on me today."
    "I believe you to be Lord Algol. I am Ithilambe Doronim, Ambassador of Kor'Af Tralon, I did not expect to find you this quickly I will contact your assistant later to make a more official appointment so i shall leave the official business till later."

    "Maybe you can show me where the carto-techis reside or maybe a fletcher or two? What is it that you seek in this exceptional trading post?"

    Posted 16 years ago #
  21. Lord Algol conceals his surprise and anger at being addressed by a stranger in the market. Better to put on a pleasant and polite public demeanour and try to get rid of this annoyance as soon as possible.

    He turns gracefully and replies "I am the Seventh Lord of Algol, yes. I am not intimately familiar with the layout of the marketplace, but I am sure Magnesium Sally will be able to find you suitable vendors. As for my business here, that is my own. Good day to you, sir."

    With that, Don walks to the counter and addressed the proprietor of the establishment. "Tyrion Mason? I believe you have some goods that would be useful in my research. May I see your stocks of Adaelphan thornroot and Ildiarian water gems?"

    Posted 16 years ago #
  22. "Hmm Magnesium Sally, sounded like a forge more than a marketplace but I may be wrong. Thank you anyways I will be sure to look at the Sally."

    Starting to head towards the store exit I hear the request for Thornroot I linger on a bit longer as to my knowledge only the elven herbalist have perfected the art of growing such plants. Waiting to hear what the shopkeeper has to offer I check my backpack to see if I have any on me, if not I know we brought some over as Raerali is some what of a herbalist and alchemist.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  23. Princess_Anie

    Fenimore follows Klets-Xpla. Having heard that Space Yetis and/or females are surprisingly fast when angered and prone to biting off heads, he feels that the best course of action is to go along with the strangely attractive yeti.

    Fenimore attempts conversation: " Um, so, well...I have an arm! ...See it has a whole lot of functions! I can open anything! Um, well, unless...But it's, um, Useful! You should have seen what I did to Argyle! He couldn't open his case for weeks!! Hahahahahaha!!!" Fenimore breaks into nervous laughter.

    They enter the Market Platform. The locals are all aware of Fenimore and his desire for Lubricant. The women are also aware of his difficulties with them and have a bet going about who can actually get him to faint. A woman at the Radionics stall blows him a kiss. Fenimore freezes in fear and without thinking buries his head in Klets-Xpla fur.
    It is surprisingly well conditioned and smells faintly of lilies.

    Posted 16 years ago #

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