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February LARP: A Falling Out (AKA "Bunker")

(2 posts)
  • Started 14 years ago by confluence
  • Latest reply from confluence
  1. "The Cold War is over. It’s 1988, and the first nuclear missiles of World War Three were launched six weeks ago. Inside Nevada’s Silver Creek air force base, nine people, the only survivors of a tactical nuclear strike, wait nervously in the bunker complex for word from the outside.

    You’re a mismatched group: the attack drills failed, and most of the people who should have been in here were sealed outside by the automatic doors. Communication lines have been severed by a cave-in in part of the complex. The appropriate officers are missing, so the base’s single nuclear missile remains unfired; any orders to fire it obviously haven’t got through. There’s plenty of food, but the nuclear reactor which powers the complex is playing up.

    The six weeks have passed slowly and uneventfully. Until yesterday, when the soldier arrived in an army jeep: a messenger from NASCOM (the national strategic command centre), but he has remained unconscious, and his message is unknown. Perhaps when he wakes up, all will become clear..."


    Because this LARP has quite a small number of players, we are running it *twice*.

    If you would like to play on *Friday the 25th of February*, please email Adrianna (adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com).

    If you would like to play on *Saturday the 26th of February*, please email Warren (ultixan at gmail dot com) or Kristen (netsirk zero eight at gmail dot com).

    Briefings start at 18:00. The venue is probably in the Kramer building on middle campus. There will be a nominal fee to cover the cost of snacks and drinks (but first-time LARPers, as always, play for free). The venue and fee will be confirmed in a reminder email to the announcement list later.

    Please sign up as soon as possible, so that we can cast and send out character sheets well in advance.

    See you there!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. Update: the fee (not applicable to first-timers) is R20. The venue is rooms 2A and 2B in the Kramer building on middle campus.

    Posted 14 years ago #

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