Hello folks!
This thread has no actual background. I am right now not in a group which has to deal with an exceptional character.
Explanation what my understanding of an exceptional character is:
There are two kinds of exceptional characters:
1. These characters are considered to be demanding to roleplay and stick out in more than one part. This could be a bad guy in a good D&D group or a ghoul in a SR group. So these characters are exceptional because of the way they are roleplayed.
2. These characters are exceptional because of their powerlevel. It doesn't mean that these characters are very powerful all of the time. It could be also that they are extraordinary weak (like a kid in a group of warriors).
According to my experience these characters can be quite a hazard. While it is obvious with minmaxed characters who make the rest of the group feel useless the other kinds are in no way better.
A weak character in a group of powerful characters is more an obstacle to the group than a real help. Think of a farmer with high levels in skills which are useless for the campaign in a group of sorcerers and warriors.
How much time will be wasted to rescue this character over and over again? And why is group travelling with this character.
Those demanding characters like drakes in SR or bad guys in good groups can be a hazard as well because they attract a lot of troubles for the group like bounty hunters.
Especially when it comes to characters which have an extreme bad reputation because of their race or their profession (Ghouls have a horrible reputation in SR as well as vampires. Whoever works with them will find out that his reputation will also become worse if it ever becomes public). Why do the characters travel with them?
And how should they deal with the problem?
But my question is who has to deal with these characters? Is it the GM who should just disallow them or is it the group who kicks the character out when his true nature becomes public? And in what a manner should they deal with these characters? I only gave two examples what could be done.
Are these characters a problem at all to you?