CLAWs Forums » LARPs


(25 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by DarkOutThere
  • Latest reply from DarkOutThere
  1. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    i figured that it was about time i made this public, and as this forum is not very well known yet i thought it would be a good idea to do thig now.

    Anyway I have meantioned to a few ppl that I am planning on running an on going LARP next year, the basis for the LARP is player created chacacters.

    ‘The Chrysalids’ is a book by John Wyndham (John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris), anyone who has read this book will not be allowed to play! Although you are more than welcome to read it afterwards.

    The setting for the larps is a rural agricultural community, there are cities, few and far between but they are there, are what we would call smallish towns (pre-industrial). The time is a little more difficult, the world (yes we are on earth) is not new, there was a civilisation before, but it no longer exists. What happened to it is unclear, however when the end of this civilisation is spoken about the word used to describe it is ‘tribulation’, what is meant by this is uncertain, but the term is universally recognised. The civilization is simply referred to as ‘The Old People’, very little is know about them, rumours about them are common place. They range from ‘The Old People’ could fly like birds, to ‘tribulation’ was brought about by their lack of faith.

    The structure of the society itself is rather interesting, faith here is very thing, or rather fear of god is.

    The ‘True Image of God’, this have been taken to its extreme, not only people created in the true image of God, everything was created in this ‘True Image’. Anything that has even the smallest defeat was not created by God, but by the devil in order to penetrate human society and turn humans away from God. These small defeats are the only way of telling what the devil created it, for only God can create true perfection.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    as the editing function does not seem to be working i'm going to have to reply to my own message. Anyway

    if you would like more details then please let me know, i don't want to say to much as what you know depends on what you character knows (as always)

    oh yes, and i'm planning on running one larp per term, well at least until i come to my senses :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. Sweet, I'm definitely interested. Hooray for classical science fiction! Fortunately I haven't read the book. At least I'm pretty sure I haven't; it sounds totally unfamiliar. I'll have to double-check at home. :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    not many ppl have actually, but cheecking would be a good idea

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. OOPMan

    Sounds interesting. I have not read the book either :-)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    I can't really give out anymore details on the web, but if you are interested please think about the kind of character you'd like to play, sent me an email or simler, and i'll give you more info.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. Rawr. (Hyrda speaking)
    This really sounds intresting. I'd like to join. I haven't read the book so I'm safe in that reguard.


    Posted 18 years ago #
  8. Astral_Daemon

    Yeah you've got me intrigued too.

    I've never even heard of the book so no worries on that front.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  9. WombatBoy

    Me me me!

    I am definately interested. It's not engineering and that's a good change.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  10. SethsMatches

    Fill me in...


    Posted 18 years ago #
  11. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    As has just been pointed out to me even googling Chrysalids is dangerous, so please don't. If you want more info email me. if you don't know my email address well make a plan.

    Also there are 'certain character' we would like, there are also certain types are character that are going to be more popular that others, so you may not get the type of character you'd like.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  12. So what kinds of characters are you looking for?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  13. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    Well i'd like to see what ideas people come up with and see if they can be manipulated into something like what i'm looking for.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  14. Could you give us some more info about the social structure of the agricultural communities? The kind of stuff everyone knows about.

    * What's the exact tech level? I assume there are no machines except simple hand-operated things, and everything is done by hand.

    * What kind of social positions are there? Is anyone not a farmer? Are there "healers", statesmen in administrative positions, priests? What does it mean to be a priest? How do ordinary people worship? Are there any special jobs / social classes / activities which are unique to the setting?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  15. I forgot to add:

    * Is there a historical or modern civilisation or community that is similar, and which we can use as a reference -- medieval peasants, the Amish, etc.?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  16. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    Medieval peasants works, faith is very important in the civilisation.
    Most people are farmers, there are priests. I'm sorry i really dont want to give out much more genrel info, but feel free to ask more questions, just you should know the more you know the more limited your chacarter options are....

    Posted 18 years ago #
  17. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    Looks like i am going to have to handout something on actually paper about these larps, oh well. I'll be giving out a little more information over the weekend (Schpatcon), so if you want to speak to me rather than emailing me that will be your chance :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  18. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    We are beginning to reach the point where i'm going to have to start saying no to people's character ideas, not because i don't like them, but because well there are certain types of character that well, we have enough of now. But don't let that stop you coming up with ideas, and i'm very sorry if i have to say no to them. :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  19. trancephoenix

    Hi DOT,
    How do I get in touch w you to apply for a character?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  20. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    one emails me to darkoutthere AT gmail DOT com

    Posted 18 years ago #
  21. trancephoenix

    Tried to send you an e-mail, got permanent failure notice. Um, help?
    (Never mind, got it sorted.)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  22. OOPMan

    DOT, that's a funny funny way of typing an email address...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  23. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    I don't think I like being called DOT, but I wasn't sure if would work. Thanks for the observation. :)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  24. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    There is a teaser of sorts going in CLAWmarks, basically giving players a few more details about the first LARP, but I thought I'd just add a very things here.

    Firstly the first LARP - The Norm is the Will of God will be played on Saturday the 17th of March, and not the 10th as it was going to be, venue to be announced.

    Secondly I'm still waiting for quite a lot of names from players, and I get the feeling that they would not like to have their names decided for them by the DMs. So please let us know.

    That's all for now.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  25. DarkOutThere
    prolific poster

    Due to there not being any clawmarks at the o-week party I am posting the piece that appeared in it here,

    "And God created man in His own image. And God decreed that man should have one body, one head, two arms, two legs: that each arm should be jointed in two places and end in one hand, that each hand should have four fingers and one thumb, that each finger should be joined in two places, and should bear a flat finger nail, that each thumb should be jointed in one place, and should bear a flat finger nail, that each leg should be jointed in two places and end in one foot, that each foot should have five toes, that each toe should be jointed in one place…
    Then God created woman, also, and in the same image, but with these differences, according to her nature: her voice should be of a higher pitch than man's: she shall grow no beard; she should have two breasts....
    And any creature that shall seem to be human, but is not formed thus is not human. It is neither man nor woman. It is blasphemy against the true Image of God, and hateful in the sight of God...."
    --- The Norm
    Defined by the words above, the world of Chrysalids is harsh and unforgiving. The basis for our ongoing LARP being run though out the year ahead, little is know about the world before Tribulation, an unknown event that occurred generations ago. Now, the Norm defines the way of life for all, tagging those that do not match its description as the Devil’s creations, to be cast out from among God’s Chosen. They must forever leave the farmlands and fields of their homes for the Fringes, a place of twisted plants and animals that surround the arable lands. Those that remain live out their lives in small towns and farms scattered across the landscape wherever the land is healthy and dare not travel into the Fringes, let alone the waste lands beyond, where even deviants fear to enter.
    One such town is that of Labrador, where life continues to play out, as it has for many years. The inhabitants have little time for thoughts of the way things were, what with the alarming increase in raids by the Fringes upon the traders and farmers of the area and the mysterious disappearance of one of their brethren. They place their hopes in the new Mayor, a surprise election since he is not from the family that has held the position for years. This, together with the scheduled arrival of the newest member of the city council, keeps thoughts of the “Old Ones”, a people from before Tribulation that were lost to the world, far from their minds.
    Based on the world created by John Wyndham in his book Chrysalids, this LARP series will begin in early March. Anyone interested in knowing more, please contact Beth at And never forget, beware the mutant.

    Posted 18 years ago #

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