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BBPress: Your Opinion...

(20 posts)
  1. OOPMan

    So all, what are opinions on BBPress so far?

    I rather like the basic layout. It's clean and simple.

    I think the in-post tags (IE. the formatting tags, are a little arcane though [Except for strong] and could be brushed up a little for the non-techie users)

    In fact, I think we should change the designation of the in-post or out-post tags, as some people might end up confused by the two being different.

    I nominate the out-post tags be renamed keywords...

    A minor issue with BBPress. Two actually.

    First, logging in is only reflected after one changes to a new page...

    Second, this post might seem to have been posted by ShadowsLight. That's what the forum has decided to identify me as. In reality, it's OOPMan. Is this a server issue?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. I vote for calling the in-post tags "allowed html formatting" instead. :) (Is it actually html, or square tags? testing testing) A more user-friendly message about the formatting would also be good.

    I can see your post under OOPMan - not sure what happened.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. I'm also not sure what you mean about the logging in. I just logged out and in, and was logged in straight away, on the page where I ended up.

    What browser are you using?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. Synkronos

    I've also had some logging-in weirdnesses, but purely from a display point of view. And logging-in does not play nicely with the back button. This is in FFox

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. OOPMan

    Yeah, the post has appeared correctly. I have some suspicions...

    I'm running Opera 9.01. Recently re-installed everything on this machine and hence I forgot to tell the big O to "Check for updated pages" "Always", instead of "Every 5 Hours".

    Weird default setting that causes problems with many forums out there.

    It was probably what identified me as another user. Peculiarly enough, without the setting changed to what it should be, BBPress id's me, to me, as whoever posted in the last topic I viewed :-)

    Very funny, but all fixed now...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. dystopia
    code monkey

    hrmmm, it seems, not that it affects me, there is a bug that only appear in ie. there is a javascript error that appears on the post pages, 'error: couldn't get the type property. this command is not supported'

    if anyone is interested, if not i can poke around

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. Synkronos

    I would like a forum system that tracks which topics have unread posts in it.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  8. Tracking which topics have unread posts would be awesome. The BBPress issue / bug tracking system says "This could be implemented as a plugin. Bug closed." Which is less than useful. :/

    Posted 18 years ago #
  9. OOPMan

    Hrm, I experienced the weird mis-reported login issue again last night. In fact, I couldn't use the forums at all, since I was always being identified incorrectly. A server issue possibly?

    Posted 18 years ago #
  10. Re: Login Issues. When someone posts something reproducable and more informative than "sometimes things are weird" we can look into it.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  11. Synkronos

    The entire forum caches like a cheap whore. Is there any way we can disable said caching? I dislike having to press ctrl-F5 every times I go back to the topic listing to see my changes.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  12. OOPMan

    Right, okay, specific problems...

    1: Half the time I visit the site I find that it identifies me as being already logged in, usually as someone else. For example, I just browsed over and I was id'ed as Synkronos. Expunging the cookies for this site and refreshing seems to have fixed it, although I'll have to test a couple of times to be sure...

    2: When I post a new topic it doesn't appear for a while. Like, a couple of hours. Is this normal? Just so you know, I've set Opera to Always check and see if and updated version of a cached page is available...

    If I think of anything else, I'll give it a shout...

    My Platform:
    XP Pro SP2, Opera 9.01 and IE6 (Both exhibit the same problem), ADSL connection

    Posted 18 years ago #
  13. Just a thought whilst looking at Code Monkey and thinking of the Jonathan Coulton song called Code Monkey;

    That it would be useful to click on the name and have the option of sending a email to them?

    Something like "I have a cool mp3 called code monkey. meet by the water cooler with your flashdrive..."

    Posted 18 years ago #
  14. dystopia
    code monkey

    where do you think the title came from?

    people who have websites will want the link that is their name to stay there, we could possibly organise to have another form of emailing link. this would assume that someone would get off a lazy arse

    Posted 18 years ago #
  15. BTW any way to see who is logged on?

    And how does one change the title under ones name, being a member reminds me too much of porn ;=]>

    Posted 18 years ago #
  16. OOPMan

    I don't think so. Ask Dystopia :-)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  17. Post more; you'll be a "prolific poster". :P Stop complaining, or Dystopia will change "Member" to "n00b", or something more offensive. :D

    Posted 18 years ago #
  18. dystopia
    code monkey

    i was going to say that you know me too well, until i saw you had spelt dystopia with a capital 'd'. however, you are quite correct, i will change people that complain to something worse than n00b

    Posted 18 years ago #
  19. OOPMan

    We can't all be ee cummings...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  20. yeah d@vid had this like so covered like 5 year ago already tcha ;)

    Posted 18 years ago #

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