From CLAWs

SchpatCON: SchpatCON2002

SchpatCON 2002, Cape Town's youngest RPG tournament, will be run the Weekend of the 24th May. The last weekend before study week. The venue is the Robert Leslie Building, Upper Campus, UCT.

This year we are running two RPG modules and a LARP. Details and descriptions can be found at . If you don't have net access you can mail me at patricksATlasDOTcoDOTza or give me a call on 083 290 7801.

The RPG modules have been written for the Cthulhu and GURPS systems. Steve Jackson Games and Chaosium have very kindly decided to offer us prize support and we are very grateful.

For those of you that don't know the systems, DON'T PANIC! Cthulhu is really easy to pick up, but your GM should have at least a working knowledge of the rules system before he arrives. GURPS is even easier, nobody need know anything about the system, all will be explained on the day. If you are really interested a copy of the GURPS Lite system can be downloaded at the Steve Jackson Games site.

Registration will be in teams of four, plus one GM. If there are any individual players out there that want to take part, please contact me or arrive on the day. I'm sure we'll be able to sort something out for you. The cost is R20 per team per module, basically R5 per player and GM's play free.

The LARP is on Friday night and Carries the Cost of R20 per player, but light snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Over the past two years much fun has been had by all participants, especially the organisers and other people that hang around long enough to find out where the post tournament dinner is being held.

I hope to see many of you at SchpatCON 2002

Regards SCHPAT

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