From CLAWs

Dragonfire2008: Wargaming

Dragonfire 2008

40k Regional (Qualifies you to play at Nationals in Jo'Burg)

Contact Person - For any questions, queries or complaints
Marc Pittermann (mpittermann at yahoo dot co dot uk)
Number of entrants
32 max
Rule set
Warhammer 40k 5th Edition

Army Lists

You need a 1500pt Army (Standard FOC Min 1 HQ and 2 Troop). Also you need a 500pt Combat patrol (4th Ed Rulebook) list.

Here’s the kicker. The 500pt army MUST come from your 1500pt army. By this I mean whole units not just elements of a unit (i.e. a unit of 2 Space Marine Land speeders is in your 1500pt list. For the 500pt you can choose to put both in or none. You can’t just have one of them feature).

Each day there will be 2 x 500pt and 2 x 1500pt Games. Giving a total of 8 games over the 2 days.

Missions are as follows:

500pt Mission

For the 4th Ed Missions the Alpha Level will be used but with Infiltrate and Dusk and Dawn (from the 4th Ed Rulebook)

Scoring works as follows:

Bonus points awarded if:

1500pt Mission

(Mission will be rolled for before each game with no repeats)

Special Rules


These are used to determine if the game is a win draw or loss.

Scoring works as follows:

Bonus points awarded if:

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Page last modified on 06 August 2008, at 09:39 AM UTC