From CLAWs

Dragonfire2006: TakingLiberties

Taking Liberties

Author: Lucas Wheeler
System: Modern Day Witchcraft
Setting: America, March 2001
Day: Saturday 19th August
Time: DM Briefing at 14:00, commense play at 15:00

The phone call came late at night. The voice was deep, yet refined, although not one that you recognized. "You are not currently working, I take it. I have a job for you. I am assembling a squad to take the Statue of Liberty in the US. You will contact the authorities there, to let them know that in return for 100, 000 US Dollars you will not destroy the Statue. I assume you have no problems with this job. The squad will meet in Rome for further instructions. I will be sending you a plane ticket along with further details, if this is acceptable."

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Page last modified on 07 August 2006, at 02:18 PM UTC