From CLAWs

Dragonfire2006: NoLawButGodsOwn

No Law but God's Own

Author: Mike Dewar
System: Unknown Armies
Setting: America, Modern Day
Day: Sunday 20 August
Time: DM Briefing at 9:00, commense play at 10:00


It is the modern-day bogeyman which chills the blood of nations, fires the blood of freedom fighters, and spills the blood of innocents.

For a few tense hours, the attention of the whole world rests on the fate of a small group of people. The Many hold their breath over the Few.

And for those Few, it is a time when heartbeat decisions have heart-stopping repercussions, where the decision to advance or retreat, talk or fight, take a shot or hold position, can save lives…or sacrifice them.

For the LAPD officers in the heart of a hostage situation, those decisions are theirs to make.

An Unknown Armies module that puts the “drama” back in “hostage drama” by Mike Dewar

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Page last modified on 07 August 2006, at 02:15 PM UTC