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CLAWmarks.CLAWmarks49 History

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  • Wasting time over HTTP by Adrianna PiƄska
  • The Call of the Homebrew by Alistair Carver
  • No Rest For The Wicked by Marita de Waal
  • Borderlands 2 X D&D by Andrew Verrijdt
  • Convergent Technological Evolution by Calvin Brizzi
  • A Pall of Kaos by James de Haast
  • "Let's Plays": Victorious Voyeurism! by Rowena McKay
  • Why role-players are dogs by Warren Russell
  • A little bit about Doctor Who by Tabitha Thrash
  • 8 Rules for Caring for a Roleplayer in Your Home by Kristen Meyer
  • The Latest Deck Builder Games by Reuel Miller
  • The Dwarf who Outdrank the Dragon by that one guy
  • A long time ago in a galaxy far far away by Fortune Dederen
  • Other stuff


  • Editing and assistance: Zera Day, Marita de Waal, Rikus Marais, Everyone who contributed! (You know who you are)
  • Art, Photos and Crafts: Tabitha Thrash, Kristen Meyer, Breff Whitehead, Voda, The Internet Fairy
  • Layout: Rikus Marais
  • Warez: Scribus, the GIMP, OpenOffice, notepad

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Page last modified on 22 August 2013, at 10:05 PM UTC