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CLAWmarks.CLAWmarks31 History

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  • Special thanks to: Garrick "Format dude" van Onselen
  • Special thanks to: Garrick "Format dude" van Onselen

The hills are alive with the sound of CLAWmarks.

Changed lines 33-163 from:
  • Special thanks to: Garrick "Format dude" van Onselen

Have you submitted your article yet? Stop reading, and get writing!

Promise an article below, then write it. We've logged your IP address, we know who you are, there is no escape.

  • Deadline:* (whoosh) July 9 (Friday before varsity starts)

And perhaps I can get my hands on the source files for this one sometime??... - GnomeThing

Submissions received

  • MyrdemInggala: That article about characterisation in modules that I was going to write for the previous issue and didn't.
  • ElfBoy: Some gumphf about cool stuff for systems to have.
  • Robbie Taylor: alternate history stuff
  • Reuel?: real life merits and flaws (mike's got it)
  • Hendri: er, something (mike's got it)
  • Shaun K: Something about why CLAWs larps never start on time. (mike has this one too)
  • Five Geek Social Fallacies
  • RealCLAWmembers?
  • d@vid?: zammow report, universalis review
  • stuff written at the editing desk ;)

Articles promised

  • d@vid?: (no ORC unit or Colour-in from Space, damn pracs)
  • Icon Team: Icon Report (obviously only after Icon)
  • Lara: Unspecified
  • MyrdemInggala: And maybe some kind of timewasting exercise, like a puzzle.

Unspecified: When talking to an inebriated CLAWthing, the preferred method is to tattoo your conversation rather than expecting him to remember it ;)

Editing fun

Can someone recommend a decent Windows DTP program that is... obtainable?

InDesign 2.0 - it's on the CD I burnt for CLAWs before I left for the UK (along with Photoshop, 1000 odd fonts, Illustrator and source files for older CLAWmarkses). So get a copy of the damn thing from Simon?. - GnomeThing

"Trust me on this one. QuarkExpress 5 kicks an unholy amount of ass. AND...i have the full version for Claws with a nifty pdf manual." - BabyAcid

I'm afraid I have to insist on InDesign rather strongly. I've been using QuarkXPress 6.1, InDesign 2.0 (and now InDesign CS), and InDesign wins hands down. Quark's user interface hasn't changed since before version 4 (CLAWmarks25). Whaddayaknow, Quark 6 finally got multiple Undo levels. PageMaker was a pile of crap, but InDesign (a much newer codebase and completely separate from PageMaker) is sooo much better than anything else out there.
    The important points for working on CLAWmarks:
    * InDesign is more intuitive
    * If you've worked in Photoshop (6 or up), the InDesign UI looks and works identically.
    * InDesign has a better help system
    * PDF generation (what CLAWmarks is printed from) is faster and easier in InDesign
    Check out    Also check out and and
    and just for fun: Google "Quark beats InDesign" and Google "InDesign beats Quark"

It's worth noting that both programs overlap in features quite a bit. Making a compilation of files (a Book) is easy in both. Creating linked text boxes (Text Flow - text flows from one box to the other) is also easy.

    As a side note it's also rather important (to d@vid? and I anyway, see CLAWmarksUnbound) that the source files for CLAWmarks be accessable for use in the future. If Scribus was a lot more mature I might recommend that purely because the files it creates will always be accessible. But for the moment InDesign is the best tool for the job.
    - GnomeThing
  • it definitely sounds like Scribus is something to keep an eye on (I missed Adrianna's recommendation earlier - it would be nice to use something that (eventually) has a win and lin port + all the benefits of being open source); in the meanwhile I'll have a look at 'em both (I'll see Simon? before Garrick?, and I think he has QXP as well, otherwise I'll get hold of you, G) - d@vid? June 23 2004
  • well, seeing as garrick is gonna be doing the layout (afaik), it's up to him - I have a copy of ID what for to have a look at - d@vid? July 15 2004

A delightful letter from the CLAWthing

(as featured on the Cthulist? - mark your d6 from A-F and roll on the tables below - Rolemaster "CLAWmarks Lore" supplement due out soon)

In an attempt to give this e-mail a more personalised air, this set of deadlines information is now accompanied by multiple threat options. Please choose the one that curdles YOUR blood, and abide by it.

The deadline for CLAWmarks article submissions is Friday 9th July. As usual if you're planning an article, please let the committee know in advance so we can structure what CLAWmarks will look like.

Failure to submit promised articles will result in ~~~~~~~~~~, taking a(n) ~~~~~~~~~~ and then proceeding to

Mike |

 A: plunger
B: Michelle | B: iron maiden
C: Andy | C: rusty spike
D: Sean | D: collection of Britney Spears songs
E: Tai | E: hammer
F: d@vid | F: "Best of Britney Spears" compilation album

~~~~~~~~~~ your ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ with it until you ~~~~~~~~~~.

shove |

 A: screaming |
  A: head |
   A: give us an article.
B: slash | B: twitching | B: ears | B: give us an article
C: inflict | C: bleeding | C: groin | C: give us an article
D: hammer | D: lifeless | D: fingers | D: give us an article
E: play | E: agonized | E: fingernails | E: give us an article
F: mutilate | F: helpless | F: arms and legs | F: bribe us to stop

For the record, CLAWart is also requested, as always, from those who
know which bit of the pencil goes on the paper and can move it in interesting shapes.

Cheers, Mike, (~~~~~~~~~~)

Fearless Leader
B: Awesome Ruler C: Splendid Master
D: Inspirational High Priest of the Endless Ones E: Boss
F: That Git Who Keeps Trying to Tell You What to Do

  • Special thanks to: Garrick "Format dude" van Onselen
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Page last modified on 26 August 2012, at 01:47 PM UTC