From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: WinterCourt

To the best of my knowledge, 'WinterCourt' was the first two-night LARP ever presented in South Africa. LARPs of the ongoing sort have been done before with varying degrees of success, but nothing quite like this.

The premise of 'WinterCourt' is the first court of the Emperor Sotorii, Hantei XXXIX of Rokugan, following the failed Scorpion coup. Attending this court in Crane lands are the surviving sundry members of the Clans who must bargain in various ways for the future of the Empire with Empress Kachiko, hostess of the court.

The scale of the LARP is partly determined by its length, and partly by the number of players: 25 players with detailed and correlated characters from all Clans and backgrounds. At times five GMs? moderated and assisted. Both nights involve elaborate meals, with the background setting of a gifts competition and a poetry competition. A map portrays the movement and deployment of troops throughout the Empire, under the direction of the various Clans.

Russ swore to me that he will never attempt this LARP, or one like it, again. I wish him luck. Players will not rest until they have all done it.

Rise up, wasabi!
Fly straight and true to my foe! Merriment for all.

(I hope this is not too bastardised, Simon! Please correct it if it is...)
(Haiku edited by one who was there, to the best of his memory)

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM