From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: WhatisaProject

Wishlist: WhatisaWishlist
Parent: ClawnetProject? Status: Proposal
Maintainer: d@vid Description: a project page is a proposal and/or the culmination of
discussions thrown about on a wishlist; this project page proposes the development format - talk about it on WhatisaWishlist


while I was thinking of ideas for the CLAWsite? and CLAWnet, I
realised that some sort of development schema was needed to move these from wish thru development thru maintenance status; rather
than develop a development schema (and you're lucky because I've recently had overexposure to RFCs?, W3C? specs and other
development paradigms) I just put together a couple of wishlists

the idea is that a would-be project maintainer adds his project
details to one of the two index wishlists, CLAWnetWishlist? or OfflineWishlist, including a WikiWord link to his project
wishlist (eg LovecraftdayWishlist?)

this wishlist then serves as the discussion and maintenance
document for the project, and can be easily identified as a wishlist in RecentChanges

if a project needs to be formally maintained in some way, simply
set up a separate project page (eg LovecraftdayProject?) that you as the maintainer will keep up to date, and leave a wishlist
for discussion

if a project gets way big, it can easily be divided into subprojects
with their own wishlists; if you use your own development schema, just reference it in your project wishlist


this is CLAWs (and moreso, a wiki) so obviously there should be
fewer rules than in an anarchist's cookbook; that said, here's how I would propose a wishlist is maintained and laid out (aaw
heck, consider this a wishlist for wishlists -- and comment at WhatisaWishlist)...


your wishlist should be indexed on ClawnetWishlist (for online
projects) or OfflineWishlist (for not-online projects) so's we can keep track of these things (you may want to list
it on your own WikiPage too if you're the maintainer)

a simple proposal can be as follows:

Wishlist: (a WikiWord ending in "Wishlist") Status: Proposal, (brief comments)

Wishlist: LovecraftdayWishlist? Status: Proposal, why don't we celebrate HPL's birthday?

or you can go the whole hog (if you're now developing a wishlist
or are starting with the end in mind):

Wishlist: (a WikiWord ending in "Wishlist") Project: (a WikiWord ending in "Project")
Description: (a brief description) Maintainer: (name/s)
Status: Complete|Maintenance|Proposal?, (brief comments if necessary)

Wishlist: LovecraftdayWishlist? Project: LovecraftdayProject?
Description: a turgid celebration of a turgid man Maintainer: TurgidBob?
Status: Development, we need a gnarrliburr!

this listing should be updated (eg, when status changes) by the


a wishlist should have the following header info:

Project: (a WikiWord ending in "Project", the accompanying
project page) Parent: CLAWnetWishlist
Maintainer: (name/s) Description: (a brief description)

the idea is not to repeat unneccesary info (that can be found
in the parent or project page, for example), but include the important stuff (maintainer, context-relevant description
and links to project and parent pages)

Project: LovecraftdayProject?
Parent: OfflineWishlist, EventWishlist? Maintainer: TurgidBob?
Description: how do you think we should celebrate HPL day this year? turgidly?

discussion posts from all and Sundry follow, hopefully with
useful ideas and comments emerging; as certain ideas solidify the maintainer may see fit to remove or archive comments
or start up a seperate wishlist (TurgidhatsWishlist?) for a specific topic -- hopefully creating and/or updating a
project page along the way


a project page should have the following header info:

Wishlist: (a WikiWord ending in "Wishlist", the accompanying
wishlist) Parent: CLAWnetProject?
Maintainer: (name/s) Description: (brief description)

Wishlist: LovecraftdayWishlist?
Parent: OfflineProject?, EventWishlist? Maintainer: TurgidBob?
Description: last year's HPL day report, this year's timetable to follow once we have one

and relevant stuff should follow, clearly marked as PROPOSAL,
REPORT, SPON or whathaveyou


unless it's a wiki-based project a lot of what actually goes
on will happen offline (playing Ironman, typing web pages, upgrading computers), the wishlist therefore mainly serves to keep track of
what is happening and what people would like to happen ("We're upgrading to version four Gnarliburrs", "While you're at it why
don't you add sound?")

ie, in most cases the wishlist is the driving force and the project
page won't be half as long as this one has been


I think this is relatively straight forward; the header stuff is
mainly for ease-of-navigation (and maintenance); this schema could include other development plans (just link 'em on your wishlist)
but I don't see CLAWs getting much more involved in planning than this

agree? disagree? comments and suggestions at WhatisaWishlist

or just start wishing at ClawnetWishlist (for CLAWsite? and other
online stuff) and OfflineWishlist (for so-called real-world stuff)

(and naturally Doing Stuff on the wiki requires none of this, just
quit reading and start typing your campaign log, reviews, blog, or sad development schema -- this is really for Non Wiki Stuff)

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM