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TheTome: Warmaster


Warmaster is very similar to Epic 40K in most respects. As with Epic 40K, Warmaster is a wargame that covers massive battles involving whole legions of warriors, groups of war machinesn and what ever else large enough to fit the scale necessary. Warmaster miniatures are of a far more reduced scale than those found in standard Warhammer and single bases tend to contain whole units. Also like Epic 40K the range of armies available for play in Warmaster is a little more limited than in its parents game(Warhammer in the case of Warmaster, Warhammer 40K in the case of Epic 40K). Overall, however, it's probably a good game, especially if you like the feel of commanding squillions upon squillions of gobbos :-)

More info is at:

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM