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TheTome: WarhammerFantasy

Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy is the classic miniatures wargame of fantasy battles. The game allows you to command anything from a ravening horde of Orks to a contingent of noble Brettonian Knights. Warhammer Fantasy armies tend to be larger and more expensive to purchase than their Warhammer 40000 counterparts, but the game apparently plays a little
bit quicker. The Warhammer Fantasy rules are also slightly more heavyweight than the current 3rd edition Warhammer 40000 rules, but they are by no means daunting, unless you're extremely short on brains, in which case you're better off learning to tie your shoelaces :-)

For more definitive information about Warhammer Fantasy, visit Games Workshop's official site at

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM