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TheTome: TheJob

Just Another Day on the Job...

JADOTJ, as I am affectionaely calling it, is an Aberrant campaign I'm running during the end-of-year holidays 2003. In other words, it's running right now! As I am at home in Margate, KZN right now, this means it's running in this particular place. Margate isn't the nicest place on the planet. Hell, I pretty much think it stinks. But, I don't have any other choices. So, enough of that and onto the campaign.

JADOTJ is set in the year 2040, 32 years after the base setting for Aberrant. Since I don't have anything really in the way of Aberrant information stuff, though, I'm pretty sure my timeline has diverged a great deal from the standard one. Bah, who cares, I'm having fun, and the players seem to be too, so it's all good!

Anyway, in the 42 years since the Galatea incident (It was in 1998, remember?) the world has changed a great deal. Utopia and the Aeon Foundation are no longer a powerful force in the world of 2040. Rather, multi-national mega-corporations have come to dominate the political, economic and social fronts. Heavy corporate cometition has led to a blossoming of techonology of all kinds, although cybernetics and computers in particular have advanced a great deal. Utopia's initial efforts to control the march of progress were defeated early on by the combined financial might and political punch of corporations such as ViaSoft? and Exxon-Mobil.

Novas are still a component of society in the year 2040, but have become integrated into corporate culture to a great extent. Those not integrated are usually a component of criminal culture, with only a small number of Novas swearing allegiance to themselves only.

National and Inter-national government has been superseded by the power of the mega-corps to a great extent and as a result Heads of State and the UN no longer hold as much power as they did 32 years ago.

The players, of which there are three, are bodyguards for the ViaSoft? mega-corporation. They've been with the company for about 5 years but seem to still be at the bottom of the pile. The game takes off just as the dubious trio are given their first real job in ages. However, whether these three loonies can do their jobs isa question that will constantly be asked. Anyway, the men on the street are:

Session Logs:

Session 1: Ahh, another day guarding sleazy beauracrats...
Session 2: Heaing Gasp...I'm dead...I thought I died...?

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM