From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: TheEndofAllThingsToCome

New York, NY, USA - 03/25/2015 - 23h33 The man stands up. Quietly, but quickly. He takes a step forward and stops, abruptly. He stares. In horror. In bewilderment. In disbelief. The TV in front of his armchair continues to blare, casting its sickly glow across the darkened room. The glow from the Tv, however, is now not the only source of light that is cast into the apartment. The man is bathed, slightly, in this new light. The TV programme suddenly cuts to an important breaking news story. He takes no notice. He knows what the announcement is about... he has a front-row seat.

London, England, UK - 25/03/2015 - 23h33 The CEO stopped his presentation to the board. He had just realized that non of the board were listening to him. While this was to be expected from a normal Departmental meeting, where the subordinates were used to working the normal 12 hour shift, and would be expected to be tired, he was somewhat surprised by the Council's lethargy. He then realized they were not staring at him in boredom - they were staring out the window. At the city? Now? He looked out of the penthouse meeting room's window - which completely surrounded the room. The picturesque view of the city would indeed enthrall him as well...

New York, NY, USA - 03/25/2015 - 23h35 The entire apartment block shook. He took no notice. He leant forward and looked further out of the window, up at the sky. A thunderous roar echoed next to him. The apartment block next to his was crumbling, from the top down. He saw it out of the corner of his eye. What held his gaze, though, was the one heading straight for him...

London, England, UK - 25/03/2015 - 23h38 Glass, concrete and metal was flung across the entire boardroom. Instinct kicked in amongst the council members, although not quickly enough. Glass and metal shrapnel tore at flesh, biting deep; concrete fragments pummeled muscle, breaking bone. Blood flowed like wine, dark and red. And with it came fire, scorching all, consuming what it touched. As the concrete dust and smoke started to clear, a figure seemed to emerge from it all. He straightened his suit - not an ordinary suit, mind: it was red at the top, but it roughly faded to black at the bottom. The figure straightend his hair with his fingers, adjusted his black tie. He caught the sound of a gasp - his ears were attuned to the sounds of pain and suffering. He hopped lightly off the table, and walked over to the person lying on the floor, the CEO. "Ooh! That's gotta hurt!" he said snidely. The CEO winced in pain, his entire suit jacket covered in blood, peppered with glass - and a large metal shard, buried in his upper chest. "Not the way you pictured ending your day, is it?" the figure gloated; "Not really mine, either. Just thought you'd like to know. Ciao. Don't die on me..." He got up, ignoring the CEO's gurgled cries for help, and casually headed for what was left of the elevator.

New York, NY, USA - 03/25/2015 - 23h40 The man watched the fireball head towards him; he could only have been described as "deer in the headlights". The impact and immediate blast tore him and the east-facing section of the apartment apart. Rubble flew into the apartment's shell, and fell down towards the street below. The TV remained untouched, still broadcasting its message of disbelief and fear. A figure remained, also untouched by the destruction. She straightened, catlike, and brushed dust off her cream casual suit. Her blonde hair caught the light cast by the remnants of fire that clung to sections of the apartment. She reached down and picked up a bloodied bit of clothing, and a tear ran down her cheek, snaking towards the ground. She wiped it away, and briskly headed for the door.

Outside, the hail of falling angels and daemons continued.


The New Dawn of Mankind Begins - With the End of The Modern Age as We Knew It

This is my new game, hopefully beginning sometime withing the next two weeks. It's using the Children of Fire system, modified by setting. Players will be chosen based on character ideas. Speaking of which: you're an angel; a celestial being, fallen to Earth for some reason you don't know, along with the rest of your brethren, and also with the Fallen. You are now in human form, with all your powers intact, and all your problems and temptations. Think of an interesting character, and let me know. RP times will be determined by consensus.

So far, only 3 people have expressed interest: Admittedly, I would think that this is due to the fact that people can't play daemons. Guys, I don't have the rules for daemons! You can't play them - If I did have the rules, then of course you could. It's not that any of you are overly religious, is it? : ) Sorry, that was kind of bad!

To the point: I need one or two more people, with cool ideas for characters. Get those thinking caps on. Just to qualify certain things: your angel need not have been part of the Falling, he/she may simply have been on Earth before it (the Falling would definately awaken sleeping angelic powers if you'd become one fo the Forgotten). Your angel may have already had a place on Earth, and by the time the campaign starts (2018), the Falling will be 3 years old. You will have a job/vocation/way of getting money - angels can't magick up money. So whether you want to be a drug pusher, doctor, pimp, lawyer, ganger, corporate, or anything else that takes your fancy, bring it on!

Check out Children of Fire here.

The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen...

Speculation and Politicking

The event was called the Falling. Simply because that's what happened: angels and daemons fell from the sky, in balls of searing flame and destruction. No-one knows why, and the angels and daemons who are in the know merely speculate as to the reasons for the Fall. A few angels say that they felt a large disturbance in the Balance between Good and Evil, and then blacked out the next moment; some high-ranking daemons likewise have stated that Sammael (Lucifer) had lost much of his quiet fervour in the years leading up to the Falling. Humans in the know have speculated that the Fifth Age of Man was meant to start in the year 2015, according to the Mayan calender, but that the accurate Mayans had got it wrong this time. Still others speak of the date of the Falling being significant: the 25th day, the same day we celebrate the birth of Christ; furthermore, the time of the Falling is equally significant: it is a multiple of 666, the Number of the Beast according to Revelations (23h33 > 2*333). As yet, no-one has the answers, or those that do aren't showing themselves and telling...

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM