From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: TheCultoftheChocolateDanish

!Welcome to the Cult of the Chocolate Danish!

What is the Cult of the Chocolate Danish?

The Cult is a non-profit, semi-informal organisation devoted to the consumption and
reverence of Chocolate Danishes. Members of the Cult are renowned for their Chocolate tasting skills and our most esteemed members are capable(Possibly) of telling you every minute detail about a particular Danish's flavour, quirks and manufacture with only a crumb to go by.

How do I join the Cult of the Chocolate Danish?

Membership of the Cult is select and becoming even a low-rank member is an honour
in itself. While the exact details of advancement within the Cult are known only to its Inner Circle, there is a small amount of advice that can be given to aspiring

  1. The best Chocolate Danishes can be found at Fotis, near Smuts Hall...
  2. Super/Souper Sandwich's Chocolate Danishes have changed and are no longer consumed by the Cult...
  3. A separate sub-Cult exists for those who prefer Custard Danishes. This is the Cult of the Custard Danish?...
  4. Danishes, especially Chocolate Danishes, are best eaten while still hot...

Who are the Members of the Cult of the Chocolate Danish?

Currently the extent Cult's membership is not completely known even to its most senior
memers. Thus, it is hoped that all True Members of the Cult will place their names or at least an alias on the list below...

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM