From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: TheChoiceIsYours

These are two games I ( Ian ) wish to run as soon as possible. As per usual, the game with the most attention will be run first and then the second one if people want to get involved.

All Your Fears

The aroma wafting in on the slight breeze through the swing doors leading to the kitchen transport the young man back to those pleasant summer afternoons spent listening to stories at Giuseppe’s home. A million miles away and a situation very different from the present. All the smells mean to the older gentleman sitting before him is that business is business. And its time to hurry it along.

" Do you wish to say something, Nicci? “ asks the elder man while lifting a forkful of pasta to his mouth.

“ No, padrone. There is nothing I can say to explain my actions. “
“ No there is not. You embarrassed the familia. Brought us into disrepute and in the process lost the consignment. Be grateful that you I’m feeling generous today. Many would understand if I weren’t. “

“ Thank you, padrone. “
“ But an example needs to be made. We cannot be seen to allow those under our protection to behave as they wish. You understand this, correct? “

“ Yes, padrone. “ The young man starts to look worried, wondering who and what will be the instrument of the boss’s anger.
“ What is it you most fear on life, Nicci? What is it that you would most like to see disappear from existence? “ At these words, a tall, pale man steps forward from behind the capo. As he smiles a shiver spreads down the young man’s back.

“ Disappointing you, padrone. “ The elder man glances towards his new acquisition and the man shakes his head.
“ No, Nicci. One day I’ll be dead and you might still be around and that won’t be of any concern to you anymore. I mean, what have you always feared since before you knew that I existed? “ And as the capo finishes speaking, the young man begins to hear a skittering from behind the pale man. As he glances towards him, he could swear he can see a million dark shadows behind him just waiting to be set free.

“ Spiders, padrone. I almost died of a spider bite when I was two. “
“ Ah, yes. One of many I am sure, “ replies the capo after getting the nod from his newest acquisition, “ This should be interesting. “
The young man’s eyes widen and he takes a step back as the shadows behind the pale man begin to skitter forward resolving themselves into thousands of eight legged web spinners rushing towards him. As he attempts reach for his gun, he discovers that his hands are fastened to his sides, silver threads encircling and constricting his body movements. As the tide begins to sweep up his body, a scream rises from his throat, primal in its intensity.

The older man wipes his mouth with the napkin at his neck and pushes back his chair. He strolls past the twitching figure on the floor, paying no attention to tiny bite marks that begin to appear on the flesh of the young man’s arms, legs and face.
Two burly men step forward and grab the twitching figure, an unconscious shiver passing through them, and drag him away.

The screaming following them into the darkness.


!!!Re: Project Lesser Beings

Tests have been successful in integrating technology. Adapted members of the race are received with respect and fear by inhabitants and are progressing at a greater rate than expected. Are steering them towards inter-stellar expansion with the hope that they will confront previous inferior evolutionary steps and destroy all traces of previous experiments. To further compare these efforts with previous experiments are directing test subjects into direct confrontation with beings created by rival competitors. This should occur shortly and data collected from this test will be of immense importance.

However, a drawback has been discovered. Unlike rival company beings, these subjects have only gone through one, highly specialised, adaptation. This may be seen as a disadvantage but further experiments may prove otherwise. Next report will contain results of confrontation.

Daily Mirror extract, 16 January 2125

Reuters – Today, the first corporate expedition to set up a colony in outer space lifts off from Luna after years of court battles and intrigue. Aeon and Janus Inc, after winning a concession from the world governments to set up an independent, neutral territory away from the hubbub that is Earth and its surrounding solar system.

Spokespeople for the two companies expressed delight at the support from the population at large and again repeated the statement that other corporations would not be banned from trading with or at their colony in the Kolnestra System. “We wish to truly be an intergalactic meeting place for trade and industry. Anyway, we can’t produce everything we need,” explained one spokesman.

This first transport will contain mainly those required to set up the terra-forming process and begin construction on living facilities. A few of the new colonists will accompany but most of them will only leave in four years when basic facilities should be in operation.
CEO of Janus …

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM