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TheTome: RosaCacoatl

Rosa Cacoatl

You are half-Indian, half-Spaniard and all revolutionary. You are the daughter of the people and the impetuous and fiery leader of the armed revolutionary faction in the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty?.

The burning problem for the RevolutionaryConvention is rearmament. The GuevarianArmy, supposing it survives its immediate problems, will probably attack the GuevarianDeathSquads in the north of the RepublicOfGuevaria?. This will leave an organisational vacuum in that area, and you are very keen to exploit it. If the GuevarianArmy attack on the GuevarianDeathSquads fails, you want to be in a position to take over the country. For this you will need guns. And guns are in short supply.

You love FatherMiguelMa?ņos. You are secret lovers, but you admire him politically for his unwillingness to compromise his belief in freedom and support for the peasants. You have difficulty with what you calls his pacifism, though, and you have all but called him a coward at times. He may well try to stop you from rearming the RevolutionaryConvention. Somehow you must get around him, though you never want to lose him.

You don't trust PedroCuito. Once a spy, always a spy. The GuevarianArmy don't know that he is a turncoat against them, but you don't trust him much even now. You have given him this position as delegate because it is the best way to gull the GuevarianArmy into believing you don't know about his treachery. But you must not tell him anything about your secret plans to overthrow the military government.

The General Secretary is expected to open the Congress and make the welcoming address, so you must write a good, fiery speech that should set the tone of the Congress very much against the Army (this is a task for the player). Beware of antagonising the CortesOfTheCastilianDelegation? too much, because you must also be re-elected as General Secretary so that you can carry on the fight, and this may require their consent.

Motivations at a glance

  1. Rearm the RevolutionaryConvention.
  2. Keep the CortesOfTheCastilianDelegation? under control and prevent them from gaining the upper hand in the LiberalAcademicRevolutionaryParty?.
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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM