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TheTome: QuartermasterGeneralEnriqueZapata

Quartermaster General Enrique Zapata

The Quartermaster General of the GuevarianArmy must supply the Generalissimo's troops. This is all very well, but without guns the men cannot fight. And the GuevarianArmy's munitions are sadly antiquated and in short supply.

You are here to set about a major military upgrade. For this, the GuevarianArmy will need money. For that, you must make good use of your contacts amongst the CortesOfTheCastilianDelegation? and seek out reliable finance.

Or, better yet, a firm munitions contract. The GuevarianArmy, having taken over the country, has exposed itself to international sanctions and cannot easily obtain munitions on its own. This means indulging those anarchist academics in the AncunaConferenceOnPoliticalScience? might be useful.

It is a great pity that the man who frees your hands to undertake this mission of mercy to the GuevarianArmy is a squalid, jumped-up peasant with no breeding. He now styles himself Acting President, the GeneralissimoAlessandroNavidad, but that doesn't make him sangre azul.

So quite apart from your work for the glorious GuevarianArmy, you seek to undermine the position of the Generalissimo, especially in the eyes of the true rulers of the country, the nobility of the CortesOfTheCastilianDelegation?.

Motivations at a glance

  1. Rearm the GuevarianArmy, either by getting money or, better yet, actual guns.
  2. Undermine the Generalissimo as far as you are able.
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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM