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TheTome: PoetryArchives

First archives of MoonFlakesPoetryCorner

See also:

Happy Sunshine

O' Fickle and Foolish
The whims and wants
That cause the heart
When he sees the paths
To walk backwards and blunder

O' Pity the Brain
For whom the pain and the shame
Do not repetition prevent
Lessons learned (can) so easily (be) forgotten
The Heart, the Heart, she cries
Blame the Heart
He will be blamed

O' Reason and Rhyme
You are Disfigured, Disguised
Overlooked, Paralysed

After the pouring rain

Soft, slick, slithering coils
Thick, throbbing
Wending, winding
Further, further
Deeper, deeper
Into that cave

A warm cave
A cosy cave
A comfortable cave


In cold air
Seeing other caves

But maybe
Just maybe

Preferring the cold


i stand alone
in frozen fire
of a thousand dynasties lost
before i was born
epic entropy
scatters stellar graves
across the ethereal canvas
and the litany
of long-dead worlds
is the star-spun saga of the night

yet i
alone beneath the sky
look up at history doomed
at chaos unrivalled
and i should weep
if i
(who lives)
were not infinitely

The Sacrifice of our Lady of Shadows

Our Lady of Shadows
Raven Priestess
in bleaklight moonshine

sacred ceremony
in ravaged black
sanguine symphony
bloodlust back

Our Lady of Shadows
Night Goddess
on sombre monolith hill

by pagan ecstasy
fight the entropy
soul's abberation

Our Lady of Shadows
Dark Druidess
for Greenwood's Grace
death's willing bride

For Ranulf

The ocean's overwhelming saltiness
Like the bleeding brine of tears
Can't wash away the emptiness
Of scores of lonely years

I sit here on my sandstone throne
While above me storms still rage
My heart is locked up and alone
Inside this coral cage

You are so far away from me
Beyond the boundless blue
I've yet to cross that lonely sea
To be once more with you

Till then my heart weeps
While Adamastor sleeps


You have a happiness
Deep within you
That will not be hidden
I see it when you smile at me
You smile with your eyes

But this light
That calls me to love you
Does not bring me joy
It only serves to enhance
The shadow of me


As the stormy ocean fades to grey
So your dreamy eyes fade away
While the storm within you rages

The Windows '98 to your soul
They greedily devour me whole
And lock me in their crystal cages

And as I look up at you now
It astonishes me how
I never noticed this before

That when your eyes the colour of the sky
Look at me I shrivel up and die
Playing always the masochistic whore

these wasted tears
that scar my cheeks
wither as they burn
my soul has aged
beyond my years
and shatters as i turn
to hide my pain
in saccharine smiles
and sighs of nevermore
my battered heart
despairs that i
have lost this game before


crawls beneath my shadow-shattered skin
and i embrace
fragments of liquid silver starstuff
that were slivers
of my scattered soul
slash my mindhusk
drawing bloodbreathlessness
in shuddering gasps
the masochistic ecstacy
of a scarred survivor
screaming my sorrow
to a nuclear sunrise
contained withing my rage


Healthy Little Baby
Rocking in your bed
Daddy's fucking children
Your mommy's almost dead
Needles in her arm
And death within her eyes
Look forward to a life
Filled with promises and lies


Dance for me Baby

Beat Baby, Baby Breath
Chest Heaving, Cheeks flushed
Music thrumming through your core
Gyrate Baby, Baby Thrust
Tatoo of drums inside your soul
Heat Baby, Baby Death
The song is over,
Baby Rest.


Lament from the Cross

Beautiful Christ, locked on your cross
Aching Jesus, your true cause is lost
Angels can't see your weeping kind eyes
As priests of the cloth cloak you in lies

Hell hath no fury like a god that's been scorned
Your true purpose hidden with what's been adorned
Reveal all your falsehoods
Beneath your hard stare
As blood and communion
Lay the priests bare



you say
you (don't) love me
yet you stand here
with your hands on my shoulders
(skin kissing skin)
in mocking-friendly
no(n) ch(al)ance
and my soul screams

please (don't) stop...


there is a pain that you carry
inside you
i felt the cold beneath your skin
(so warm)
and saw the dark when your eyes
(so bright)

threw me
slew me

in time
i know
that your soul will encompass me
that your sadness will draw me
as your eyes

(drew me)
(through me)

complete me

the clouds overhead
i drove alone down that road-
the sky cried with me

To a Cow

O bovine beauty, o majestic beast,
How gracefully you graze upon the green.
Your udders pendulous swing west and east
As o'er the fields you cast your gaze serene.

Your stomachs trumpet forth a song forlorn
While, lost in thought, you stand and ruminate.
How grand the horns that your great head adorn,
O even-toed, black-spotted ungulate!

There'd be no milk or cheese if not for thee,
No tasty steak, no pasta bolognaise,
And without leather boots and belts we'd be.
Thus art thou truly worthy of our praise.

Come forward then, and take a regal bow,
The noble creature that thou art, o Cow.

The tragic tale of a lovesick titan and a scornful nymph

Beside the busy city street
With myriad lights a-glowing
The titan Pylon makes his home.
Beneath his feet, the beasts of chrome
Before the lights are slowing.

He steals a glance across the tar.
His concrete heart is beating.
The dryad of the traffic light
Winks red, green, amber in the night.
His wires wave in greeting.

Alas, for there is no reply
To the titan's earnest query.
What sorrow in his cables burns!
The metal maid his love has spurned
For the scarlet stopsign fairy.

Patriot Games

Anger lights a thoughtflame
of the fear of death denied
and the twilight screams unspoken
of the sins they sought to hide

black leather souls are crushing
bones to dust and ash to flame
and the mothers' tears are burning
at the stakes of those to blame

while the children keep on marching
fighting wars their fathers lead
dulce et decorum est
they whisper as they bleed...

Well, here's a little ditty that I thought up a little while ago. I hope ya'll like it:

Rock candy baby, left on the train,
Her sugar-plum tresses are wet from the rain.
Her eyes are mint sherbets,
Her teeth are all gone,
They stole her pink fingers,
They sucked out her tongue.
But don't think that she's finished,
Or that she is beat,
There's poison and bitterness inside of the sweet.



in her eyes
i catch a glimpse
of the ghosts
of spent tears
and the porcelain of her wrists
bears the scars of her despair
on her lips
the bitter-mo(u)rning aftertaste
of coffee
and you
and i should pity her
yet i laugh
and draw back my fist

the mirror shatters...


full moon
high tide
wind's voice calls the bride
even now
leave the past and take the vow
child, virgin
mother, crone
doomed to walk the earth alone
silent mage
close your eyes and turn the page
demon's lair
she draws the sword and fights the air
real to her
as it seems
a fantasy of dusty dreams

The sound of no hearts beating

deathstill silence -
silence of time-between-times
pregnant with the sound
of no hearts beating

a smoky rose unfolds -
unfolds its deaths-head petals
reaches after fleeing dark;
the sun has risen in the west

Cerberus roars -
roars his holocaustic intent
fast on the heels of silence
the sound of lost souls screaming

liquid fire blasts -
blasts the earth with brimstone breath
Mephistopheles justified:
all that is not heaven is hell

(a baby chuckles -
chuckles his sweet innocence
lifts his face to the dying light
and waves with no fingers)


from the crowd
a voice whispers
and my heart sighs
i have stood in this place
and i have played this role
(always the same;
only the words change)
so many times...

i do not need you to save me
so climb down off your cross
kiss me once
and nail me up in your place

we will see who is stronger

The night Satan offered to buy me a drink

is this then the ancient enemy?
devourer of souls?
i do not hear the wailing
and gnashing of teeth,
nor do i smell the brimstone
and sulphur burning
where are the legions of tortured sinners?
where the bloody moon?

all i see is androgyny
in black leather
jesus-hair falling away
to reveal
eyes like midnight fire
and a smile like the sins of angels

acid rain kisses

as we wade
through submarine pseudo-lives
screaming our hopes
to an uncaring world

we watch our joy
drift away
bubble fragile
only to see it burst
from the acid rain kisses
of a nuclear sky

tortured poet

i have seen your heart bleed
through the nib of your pen
as you engrave your soul's rage
on mass-production paper
when every letter's form
screams a measure of your pain
and i can't help but wonder
how blue ink can convey
thoughts so black


the evening stretches till its toes curl
and settles down around me;
i sit at a wobbly table
in a roadside cafe
watching Jesus playing chess
with a fallen angel
(and he's ashing into a beercan)
a guy in a leather coat and sandals
hauls a keyboard from his car
and the mountain is chuckling in the background
because i can't see the cord
but the music's still playing
a girl who makes dreamcatchers tries to sell me one

if only she knew...

Drawing down the Moon

as above so below
watchtowers named
corners called
within their rite

Book of Shadows
spells the charge
speaks the Wyrd
named and called
the Goddess and the God

in Ceridwen's Cauldron
the coven invokes
with fivefold kiss
deity manifests
Her high priestess

as above, so below
in faerie light
samadhi grows
virgin, mother, crone
She Who Mightily Loves Her Twin

The Greenwood stirs
at tantric touch
of human form
she comes to worship


stormgrey clouds
(g)loom overhead
with thunderandlightning threats
and the fragile
pinkandwhite almond blossoms
giggle their defiance

Retrieved from
Page last modified on August 06, 2007, at 01:11 PM