From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: MrDibble

MrDibble is Neil, and he has never been a member of CLAWS, despite all the desperate pleading. He does roleplay, and he designed the nifty steampunk dragon for DF14?, but only under duress!

OK, so I read pterry, sue me. Actually, it's my ]] nic, and was the first WikiWord that came to mind.


So, Karen is pregnant, which in a word is great! And scary! In two words, it's great & scary! I'm going to be a Dad...I'll post babysonar(tm) pics once they are scanned.
"I'm too young and pretty to die!"

Between that, and the ]] (nicest tech I own!), hustling for jobs and waiting for my new Rolemaster campaign to kick off, my life is full!

Shitty things happen to the nicest people...Jo and Philip got burgled last week. Cleaned out. Makes me want to punch things. Makes me glad I can afford insurance.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM