From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: MKAdvancedIntro

MageKnight Advanced: An Introduction

Welcome to the sane Introduction page. On this page I'll lay out the basic premise for MageKnight Advanced in a nice, clear, logical manner. I'll outline the aims of the "Project", as well as the perceived pros and cons of MageKnight. Finally, there will be a discussion of how I intend to fix the various cons of MageKnight. So, onwards then.

The basic aim of this project is to "de-crapify" MageKnight. This is an admittedly difficult task, since a good 2/3 of the game really is very very crap. Nevertheless, I've got some time to spare, and it's not as though I'm writing my own unique wargaming rules system, so the amount of work required won't actually be too incredible. Once the rules are in a nice state I will attempt to infiltrate them into the online MageKnight community, via the forums on websites like MK Realms. Hopefully this endeavour will be successful and I'll soon have the whole MageKnight community turning up its nose at Wizkids' shite rules. Or maybe not. Either way, maybe I can stir things up some. After all, they sure as hell have opened themselves up for it...

Pros of MageKnight:

Cons of MageKnight:

What I Can Do:

What I Can't Do:

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM