From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: Icon

Icon is the Gauteng roleplaying tournament. It's just had its tenth incarnation, although it masqueraded briefly as GenCon. The venue is usually the Edenvale Community Centre, in Edenvale (duh).

In 2002 it took place at the Jabula recreation centre, due to double-booking at Edenvale. Although Jabula was well suited to the convention, Edenvale is definitely more central (altough, considering Johannesburg, this is not saying much). People looking for more information should consult the rpg website:

Gareth Saul organised the CLAWs? train trip up to Icon this year. Read the IconDiary online - learn about the horror of the trip.

CLAWs? has been sending teams up for at least the last seven years. CLAWmembers commonly travel by train, air, car and (just past Leeuwgamka) by foot. Occasionally a bus is thrown in for good measure.

ShadowCasters, the bastards =), have won lots of the roleplaying prizes at Icon for the last few years. Then they come down to Dragonfire? and win lots of the prizes here, the bastards =).

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM