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TheTome: FarscapeSilhouetteCampaignTSTSAM

Genre: Sci-Fi, Space Opera
GM: Adam OOPMan? Contact: OR (084)6196048 OR Ask for me at the CLAWTable?
System: Silhouette Core Rules with OOPMan's Farscape D20 to Silhouette Conversion Players: 3 to 4 (4 is the max, sorry!), Farscape background is a plus...
Schedule: Weekends only, possibly once every two weeks. Possible start time set during the June/July vacation of 2005

The Uncharted Territories buckle at the seams with mercenaries, bounty hunters and various other ne'er-do-wells. In this environment small companies of mercs and the like are no odditity. What is odd, however, is when a small, elite team of the very best (or worst if you look at it that way) the
Uncharted Territories have to offer are recruited for a daring raid deep into Peacekeeper territory. But when the pay's this good, who's asking questions?

The players wiill take on the role of elite mercs, bounty hunters and similar scum-of-the-universe types brought together to do a job. The details are sketchy and the job will probably be horrbily dangerous but the cash payout is enough to make even a sedentary clam sit up and take notice. There are no limits as to racial selection or career selection, although it is probably implausible that Really Good(TM) people will be hired. That said, the team should be able to work together in a cohesive, complementary fashion and thus Raving Psychopaths(TM) are also probably off the short-list as well.

If you're interested, then email me at the contact address...

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM