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Sunday 29 February 2004

Soulfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllllffffffffflllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! That's about it, really. Kinda excited. They are a schweet band. W00t!!

Thursday 25 February 2004

Bleh. Stoopid sandwich. Says "chicken mayo". Means "infested with kryptonite". Grr. My favorite lunch-place booby-trapped my sarmie with celery. I'll get them. I'll burn their little establishment down to the ground, and when the smoking ruins have cooled, I'll salt the earth. But they make nice cake, and tiny evil chocolate things. scratch. Where are my steroids when I need them?

Thursday 5 February 2004

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Myprodol is my friend. Enormous bleeding gaping holes in my jaw are not. If some of you are confused, dear readers, you need to hang out on #claws more often. I had my wisdom teeth removed this morning, so I hope you'll forgive occasional spelling and grammatical errors on my part. I sit here with a jaw like Dolph Lundgren and lips like Denise Richards (from the stretching thing), and a wrap-around ice-pack which makes me look kinda Eastern European. The doc said the swelling would be worse tomorrow. My god. All I need is a blue suit and I could pass for the Tick. Been eating lots of soup and ice-cream. Yay. Not that I feel like eating at all, but need to eat before taking drugs. I's got a whole packet of Myprodol. Wheeee! It's pretty horrible. I don't know why we come with extra bits that need to be cut out. I mean, ok, it's not as bad as having an organ removed , but there's just something so personal about your mouth. Hmmph, wisdom teeth my ass.

In other news, have procured some furniture. Furnination! A table, 2 chairs, and a really cool futon couch that's coming on Saturday. So as soon as I'm not feeling like my head is the size of a beachball and the bleeding stops so I don't have to spit out a mouthful of blood every few minutes, I'll invite some ppl over. If you don't get invited over right away, don't feel bad, our place is really small, so we're gonna do the house-warming in stages. Either that, or we don't like you. In which case, we don't care if you feel bad :P.

In other other news, Mark arrives in a week!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! I've missed him muchos. Yay!! Maaaaaauuuuuukkkk!

Monday 19 January 2004

well, jeez, it's been like, a year since i posted something. and SynKronos moaned yesterday that i should post more, so here goes. not really an updatey-diary thing, just some random comments that i felt like putting up.

(deleted ranty bits)

oh dear. well, nevermind that then. like someone said "the mean wordies are gone". happy? i felt my rant made its point. it was supposed to be cathartic, as opposed to an "argument". it made me feel better, which is really what this page is about. :)

Monday 10 November 2003

Well, the weekend was good. Sushi roxxored, although I think I made a mistake in exclaiming loudly "Wasabi's not thaaat hot, I love it!". I think the chef took it as a challenge. Man, those makimono were hot. Hmmm, yum wasabi. Good sushi. They are very generous with the fish on the nigiri, but I wasn't impressed with the rice. They hadn't cooled it down enough, so it didn't stick together, and my nigiri fell apart. But it was still great. The futomaki were excellent. I don't normally like the sweet egg, but these were good. Saturday we went to Kait's thang. Was good. Saw lots of ppl, ate cheeps, blew water out of my blowhole. Was fun. Then went off to Michael's party in Town. Was gooood. Lots of good fud. And cheese! Omg, I walked in and my lactose intolerance went "Heeeeeelp!". That didn't stop me scoffing the brie tho. Mmmm, brie. And salad. Mmm. That was about it, really. Sunday, slept late, made phleep skive off fencing so we could go to Cav and have lunch and watch Revolutions. Was awesome!! Man, all I'm gonna say is "APU's!!!!" Sooo cool! I gotta get me one. Mmmmmm, Keanu. Mmmm. Then went to watch dodgy Eastern European DVD's with Ivan, Alan, Ben and Jo. Watched a Svenkmajer called "Little Otik". Fucked upppppp! Like his others. Sheesh. Scary shit. Highly recommend it :P. Thanks Ivan for once again exposing us to disturbing films.

Friday 7 November 2003

As I sit here at my desk a work and eat butternut soup, I think of one thing, and one thing only. Sushi!!! For I am going out to eat sushi tonight. Oh yes, dearies, tonight there will be a feasting upon the raw flesh of fishies such as there has never been before! Well, except for maybe once, a few Saturdays ago. I'm soo looing forward to this, can you tell? Sigh. But for now I am forced to sit and listen to my bimbo co-worker sing along with Britney. Grr. Die.

Tuesday 4 November 2003

Hello all. Had a great w/e. Went to the Hallowe'en party on Friday at Jim's. Dressed as the carrot fairy, freaked a few ppl out. Lamers :P. Went home early to finish napkins for the event in Genadendal over the w/e. Was going to go to G's, but felt tired/old/antisocial, so didn't. The awayness was great! We left early on Saturday morning at 8. Woke up at 7.30, after 4 hours sleep. Ugh. But slept in the car, so it was fine. I have a cat-like ability to fall asleep anywhere, it's great. Rode with Eckie and Mirabel, who's visiting from the USA. She's really nice. And knows lots of medievally-type stuff. Well, the event went well, my class was good, Simon and Ada made napkins. Then had Claire's calligraphy class, which roxxored! I'm soo into this scroll-making now. Heh, Gothic script, I ownz you! Umm, otherwise, lots of fighting, Phleep got bashed, we ate too much, slept well, played with a (very pregnant) donkey, laughed at dead flat frogs, nearly died from hayfever. Sunday was the boffering tourney (hitting other ppl with big padded sticks) and Phleep and I won the couples tourney! Haha! Fear our leet boffering skills. Then had a glass bead making demo, which was also cool. After spending the weekend in medieval garb, I realise the need for more. So, over the December holidays I will be making many tunics for panda and dresses for me. Mmmm, shiny fabric. Yesterday, met Chelle for lunch, went to look at tattoo's. Cannae wait! She's busy drawing it, hope she's done soon. But I don't want to rush it, cos it's permanent. I will wait till it's perfect. Got a fan of my very own! It's green with Hello Kitty's on. Yay! Looking fwd to an evening of vegging tonight, seen ppl lots recently, and the ppl I want to see are otherwise occupied :(. Bleh, at lease I have Raymond E Feist to keep me amused. We'll always have Midkemia...

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