From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: EarthWardMondayLogs

October brings with it the usual pre-exam madness, but this year seems somehow different. Almost everyone (whether believer or sceptic) is talking about the supposedly imminent return of the Ante-Deluvians to earth. Popular rumour has it that the Ante-Deluvians are a powerful race of interplanetary superbeings who lived before the great biblical flood. It is believed that they created and built up human kind before they were forced into exile, and have been ruling us from their stellar plane ever since. The tale continues, becoming even more rich in legend and myth, with claims that the Atlanteans broke away from the main group (whether as rebels or in an attempt to save humanity depends entirely on who's telling the tale) and the resulting war between the races resulted in the sinking of the fair isle and the near extermination of the Ante-Deluvians themselves. The survivors fled, but all of the signs point to their return. Adding fuel to the Ante-Deluvian fever is the coming Beltaine festival to be held on Table Mountain. It seems to be the place to be and anyone who can move is planning to be there. Especially if the rumours of the arrival of a group of Wiccans from Europe are even remotely true. It is in this frenzy of interest in the occult and anything off-centre that our story begins.

EarthWardSessionTwo EarthWardSessionThree

Tale of the EarthWard?

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM