From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: DreadRPG

(Energising.... cynicism)

Right, so, I'm browsing the reviews at and I come across this review for the Dread Role-Playing Game, by Malignant Games. Given the (qualified) enthusiasm of that review, plus similar kudos expressed previously, I thought... hmmm... spread the love a bit, and sent the following email to Rafael Chandler, head honcho at Malignant:

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Hi Rafael/Malignant Games crew,

Firstly, well done on Dread. From the couple of reviews I've read it sounds like quite a game, and I'm writing to ask how much it would cost to ship to South Africa, and whether you are able to accept payment in forms other than
Paypal (as Paypal does not allow South African credit cards for some reason). Perhaps you could provide me with the name of a supplier through which I could place an order locally?

Secondly, I have until recently been fairly involved in South Africa's oldest and largest university role-playing society, CLAW (their webpage is at Dread sounds like a game that CLAW members would
really enjoy (Cthulhu, UA and so on are already the most popular games after D&D), and I would probably be able to get a full-size Dread event going at CLAW's annual Con (Dragonfire, held in August): would you be interested in sponsoring such an event if it ran?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Dylan Craig

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To which I received the following reply, the same day:

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Wow -- thanks! I appreciate the feedback!

CLAW sounds like a hell of a good time. What can I do to help sponsor it?

Also, I'm not sure how much it costs to ship the game to South Africa, but let me do some digging around, and I'll get back to you this afternoon. As for alternate methods of payment, I can work with money orders, checks, cash, whatever you like. Sadly, the game's only carried by one retailer (a local game store). It's too small-press a title for large-scale distribution.

Let me get back to you on the costs for shipping, and I'll write again later today. Thanks again for your interest in Dread!

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Now, d@vid is checking out the practicalities of importing a copy using his l33t rug merchant 5k33lZ, but while that ticks over I thought I'd turn the matter over to the Wiki Wa Wa.

Essentially, I am considering ordering a copy for myself, but if CLAW will part- or full-sponsor that copy I'll see if I can get a firm offer of con support from Chandler to go with my order, and write the con module in question myself. Malignant make soundtrack CDs? and all sorts of goodies so if Chandler can offer us a nice 'con box' they could be a nice, collectible, unusual set of RPG prizes for Dragonfire 2005.

Over to you.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM