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TheTome: DnDMCS

DnD? Mortal Combat System Implementation

Welcome to the DnD? MCS Page. On this page you will find rules for using the MCS rules under the DnD? system. These rules pretty much replace the majority of the standard DnD? Combat rules. However, these rules are currently in the testing phase and are thus pretty basic. Most of the actual really nice actions that will be possible with the final version have not yet been implemented. The current version of the rules is presented for testing by DM's and Players. This is an actual shout-out: Please test these rules and get back to me on how well they work. Also, feel free to email me and fill me in all sorts of things I've left out. Trust me, there will be a lot, since I don't own any DnD? handbooks and thus my knowledge of the combat system is pretty much drawn from the DnD? combats I've participated in. Contact details can be find on my personal WikiPage. Anyway, now that that's over, onwards.


Initiative is determined as normal, by rolling a D20 and adding modifiers.

Under DnD? pools are generated as follows. At the beginning of Combat the Pools of Motion and Action contain (1d3)x2 points each. The Pool of Ki/Heroism contains 1d3 points. Under DnD? the pools function as bonus pools. This means that each point in a pool counts as a +1 bonus to rolls made while performing an action associated with that Pool. Thus, a Jump action, which is part of the Pool of Motion and which requires a Jump roll, will get a +1 bonus for each point in the Pool.

Most actions cost 1 Initiative and a number of points from the relevant Pool. These costs are deducted after the action has been resolved. Certain actions may cost more than 1 Initiative, such as Combined Actions. Combined Actions function exactly as described in the Generic MCS rules.

Continuity Bonuses:
Continuity bonuses are obtained by executing the same action multiple times in a sequence. The ordering of these actios must be linear, unless otherwise stated in an actions specific rules section. A Continuity bonus provides a cumulative +1 bonus to damage which is applied before any multipliers for events such as critical hits. The Continuity bonus is best described with an example, as follows: Don "The Dragon" Wilson executes a Punch. He rolls to hit and succeeds, dealing 1d6 damage wth his unarmed strike. He then follows the Punch with another which also succeeds. This time he deals 1d6+1 damage. Finally, Don follows this with yet another Punch. Again, he succeeds, this time scoring a critical hit! This Punch deals (1d6+2)x2 damage!(I'm pulling the x2 out of my head, since I don't have any idea what the critical mutliplier really is for an unarmed strike)
A final note: Continuity bonues only apply for succesive successful actions. Thus, if Don had failed his first attack, but had succeeded on the second and third his Continuity bonus for the third attack would only have been +1. Also, Continuity bonuses only apply when executing the same action with the same target. Thus, Don would not get bonuses if each Punch struck a different foe.

Continuity Penalties:

I will put stuff up about these later or tomorrow. I need to writem 'em down first though, and get 'em totally worked out right.

That's all for now. I'll fill more stuff in later or tomorrow...


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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM