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TheTome: D2SinisterModThreefoldWarrior

The Threefold Warrior

Character Information
The Threefold Warrior is a Mystical Warrior hailing from the far West. Born in the same lands as the Sorceress, she is of a similar complexion and build. However, that is where the similarities end. Where the Sorceress is physically frail the Threefold Warrior is imbued with a wiry strength. Both underwent training in similarly sorcerous ways. However, where as the Sorceress learned to craft the very elements themselves, the Threefold Warrior was taught to shape and use them as an aspect of her training as a Warrior. The end result of this training was the creation of a powerful Warrior skilled in a variety of combat styles who was also able to channel the power of the elements themselves with her melee attacks. The Threefold Warrior's motivations are not entirely clear, as she is a figure of some mystery of whom very little is truly known.

Basic Information

Skill Tree

Skill Information

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM